Is it possible to initialize the scroll position of the viewport or save its position in preset?
RE: ViewPort scrolling
The missing note?
Console.print(Engine.getMidiNoteFromName("G8")); // -1 Console.print(Engine.getMidiNoteName(127)); // G8
RE: Funny slider?
@IsoWalle said in Funny slider?:
@civet I tried messing around a little with your code and I noticed that it takes the value from where the mouse is and not from where the "dragger" is. So if you click and drag and continue outside the "triangle" the value keeps changing.
Any way to make it stop?
Sorry, I just wrote some dirty code to prove that it works.
It takes more work to finish a custom component, such as redraw the appearance, encapsulation with namespace, configure parameters more flexibly, etc.
And there are many other implementations.
I just modified the code and added some comments on it, hope this helps.
RE: Funny slider?
@IsoWalle My funny dirty code is here:
Content.makeFrontInterface(400, 400); // distance squared inline function distance2(p0, p1) { local dx = p1.x - p0.x; local dy = p1.y - p0.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } // angle between two points inline function angleBetween(p0, p1) { local dx = p1.x - p0.x; local dy = p1.y - p0.y; // convert atan() to atan2() local a = Math.atan(dy / dx); if(dx > 0) { if(dy < 0) a += Math.PI; else a -= Math.PI; } return a; } const var points = [ {x: 200, y: 102}, {x: 100, y: 275}, {x: 300, y: 275} ]; const var radius = 200; const var radius2 = radius * radius; reg dragger = {x: 200, y: 217}; reg draggerRadius = 10; reg values = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; reg valueIndex = 0; const var canvas = Content.addPanel("canvas", 0, 0); Content.setPropertiesFromJSON("canvas", { "width": 400, "height": 400, "allowCallbacks": "Clicks, Hover & Dragging" }); canvas.setPaintRoutine(function(g) { // draw guides g.setColour(0x40FFFFFF); for(p in points) { g.drawEllipse([p.x - radius, p.y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2], 1); g.fillEllipse([p.x - 2, p.y - 2, 4, 4]); } // draw dragger g.setColour(0xFFFFFFFF); g.fillEllipse([dragger.x - draggerRadius, dragger.y - draggerRadius, draggerRadius * 2, draggerRadius * 2]); }); canvas.setMouseCallback(function(event) { if(event.drag) { dragger.x = event.x; dragger.y = event.y; // limit the drag area for(p in points) { if(distance2(dragger, p) >= radius2) { var a = angleBetween(dragger, p); dragger.x = p.x + Math.cos(a) * radius; dragger.y = p.y + Math.sin(a) * radius; } } canvas.repaint(); // calculate distance between points valueIndex = 0; for(p in points) { var d2 = distance2(dragger, p); values[valueIndex] = Math.round((200.0 - Math.sqrt(d2)) / 2); valueIndex++; } Console.print(values.join(", ")); } });
RE: Projucer 6.1.4 warning
Stupid me, I didn't notice that there was an option in the in the sign-in dialog after sign-in button clicked
Projucer 6.1.4 warning
commit a54f5d8
update to Projucer 6.1.4 (MacOS) - a new warning pop-up:
Incompatible License and Splash Screen Setting
Save and export is disabled. -
Custom Keyboard - ScriptPanel vs FloatingTile with LAF
Currently, as far as I know, there seem to be these two methods to implement a virtual piano keyboard in HISE:
- draw custom graphics on a Panel and add the interaction on mouse events, note on/off etc.
- use a Keyboard FloatingTile and change its LookAndFeel.
What are the pros and cons between them?
RE: Custom Curve for Synth.addVolumeFade() ?
@Christoph-Hart Thanks!
Would it be possible to just link to a Table then convert a Table to an interpolation algorithm internally?
RE: Custom Curve for Synth.addVolumeFade() ?
Envelopes are not suitable for all situations, even dynamically change their values, because Envelope affects the entire sampler.
can more precisely control the gain of voices associated with given midi event, without touching the value of Attack or Release.But now
can only use a hardcoded linear fading. It would be nice if we could bind it to a Table or any other custom function.something like this:
Synth.addVolumeFadeWithFunction(eventId, fadeTime, customFadingFunc); inline function customFadingFunc(t) { return Table1.getTableValue(t); }
Custom Curve for Synth.addVolumeFade() ?
Can we use a custom interpolation in addVolumeFade() ?
I tried to implement it with timer and table, but maybe it's not a good practice. Do you have any good suggestions?
HiseSnippet 1139.3oc4W0saaaCElx1pnxcsXsnXXWpUrAXu0jY0l0Nirg5DG6BiUmXD6lscUAqDsMQjH0nnbmwPe+1k6QouAaGRJaKmnk5401K17EB4b34P9c96iLCDbeRRBWfrbFMOlfr9H6gyYxosmhoLTuiPV2xtONQRDtFUGNOFmjPBPVVkepRgkSEj92adxg3PLymrREBcFm5SdFMhJWocPqefFF1EGPFQixY8ds54yYs4g7T.Oksafhw9mimPNFqLqjMx5ZcBnRtXnDKIIHqJGxClObJ+ULi8mQSnuLjnD7PCgMxntKOLPgX0eiZOkFFLXQbmfPV1CVkEJaxB20tOMftT+prwGqWvckG4yGVkVGdkWCdd4gWibvq.HYkCRULP511C8EzX4pUT34F18XPwYLFR64ghwVToOqjcaNXAStaD9bRWAHrziZOpQi66Bepue0pBxDWedJS598tM12HlJDfmclAe5E.52wCLDpQIR2YXgqDCQiGnewQLgHayih4LPn18FoW9d02ebJyWR4LWN6XtjbBqV8p+VUmKs88g3BJ2psISYM.YNKPkWC.WN51ycSjXgT09Hp0X2FdfYutp6EOmwiMGzEVSgVAOLD7snkM6pAg5SdG3ngClNtlQ96fDT8pNv5N4RXNKQFONaK.kutpSH2GGB4qvTBXoImoBQc54Lk5Zt0fXycGS9u9WqDpuLTwAAmwCSiHpIlZqmztuKT.Ma8W51rIrEMadobQV7VikF8RhHy9kQNzfsdW60966ZyOT4ap44Ljy5wnxShIYxqF67JnGGk0zn51yPH.EotW+lY855TDhB6w0sMcSHM3yyvDfkXj0WX+f81c4uG2F9L6D3y3uRI2zHiPOu2QJyyNR3zADESDRpJvsNhLCXqLiaN1GQRNGpkZay5ogjyaEf+5Jv8yslmW3Uz.4Tftw52AwoD5joRkTflS7Ry6.SCOHMDKWm9Qw4ls.TcWalWMWyRnx444juHmTkMiS5sT61P3da6ATo+zhwaoBvKTYdei2LF9aZ2Y7XhubEXqX28mtR5724P4VFnbC6gTFQOrqAxmnkc+Q7Lh6SILhPkT8thad+iM8l23M9l2S7kvwORfYIw7j013gjH5HXbHIuxmm.2sP9kSUU475aywhBW5MOoKDjE5yPrLUnaWNHRQHtV6Q4MtljmrZ8olb1WvcuUde8bfOnid+6YJd275EmEXbHMJNjzgMiDBTtZLdGficLNMTtP65M484Ld7TNi5muC3ThTPmLgHxi8BCnCjR38iqzb2VmRBI37cyedqmAcgXAjmHaYtv6e7K4Jrd8o1F35plLc+uACe4+exveJOURYS5igFU30.1GmFMDHV8I.RXLRXh5V+RJxQibCkrgYkEnE9S3W1hdJYqrE8Vr3GjyHB6K3uv271LUu700Zf3lo+Gxbf+yPP1c4ixrsg2hih.FwW36qR26.4mh84AagOObK7YusvmuYK74QagOOdK74auReTWFcPpjGYFEAEC5nevqkUGl54o5tdzek7O8rG
Spectrum disappear in ParametriqEQ [develop branch]
I just updated hise to the latest commit yesterday.
The Spectrum Analyser is no longer working now. -
RE: Get a negative progress value when unzipping
@d-healey thanks for your tips. I will reorganize those files before distribution
RE: Get a negative progress value when unzipping
@d-healey does it support extracting multi-part zip file?
RE: Get a negative progress value when unzipping
ScriptingApiObjects.cpp (793)
auto entrySize = zipFile.getEntry(i)->uncompressedSize;
ScriptingApiObjects.cpp (801)
auto c2 = c->clone(); auto betterProgress = ((double)numBytesWritten + entryProgress * (double)entrySize) / (double)numBytesToWrite; safeThis.get()->getScriptProcessor()->getMainController_()->getSampleManager().getPreloadProgress() = betterProgress; c2->setProperty("Progress", betterProgress);
will casting int64 to double overflow?
Get a negative progress value when unzipping
to uncompress a large fileConsole.print:
Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.08318825265075086, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.173495530795023, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.2700843449981108, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.3744231062867506, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.4370753100941588, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.5335009675164983, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.6316397711366964, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.7201523246927356, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.8302015733075713, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -0.9465323579812228, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 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"TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.542299342884222, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.592551631354747, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.658874862728996, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.733926981873287, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.784505583905309, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.831821050322362, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.893249578274157, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -1.940075574348965, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.009906676509305, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.064890511621537, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.10951389115624, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.156747779182919, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.214505279567874, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.272996985466196, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.364854253027579, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.439009009877753, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.5081874849151, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.563742368759951, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.613260451717108, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.660004869401541, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.720699191839969, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.795261840642014, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.874474457695391, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.926603049144524, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -2.976773759224675, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.027515518037446, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.085191440032026, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.150943622673655, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.219877362539879, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.274942776042484, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.326092426807126, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.390457776812394, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.464286220101071, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.521962142095652, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.603622110860255, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.66717167696178, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.719300268410913, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.769715713662187, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.829349517025749, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.904401636170039, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -3.985001085859778, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.069679455068229, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.134860588977238, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.201346977132236, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.253230833410246, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.315883037217653, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.384898355474252, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.461745199206776, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.535328907324332, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.580115443639784, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.651170221655737, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.704767224131606, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.759669480853463, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.832111091505778, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": -4.910915816607285, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": 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"C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 1, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 84508, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } Interface: { "Status": 2, "Progress": 1.0, "TotalBytesWritten": 3893385522, "Cancel": false, "Target": "C:\\Users\\civet\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\test", "CurrentFile": "", "Error": "" } contains - size: 3,893,301,014 bytes (3.89 GB on disk)
Local LookAndFeel for MidiDropper?
MidiDropper with Local LookAndFeel, possible?
HiseSnippet 1335.3oc2W01aaaCDlxNZaVcsnsnXXeTvXevAHKwxI0MYECMu5.ikzXDm9x2JXjNayEZRUJpjXTj+ZC6mv9oz+AaGkjijR8BBLVGVm+fg48bG4yc73cm6oj9PTjTQrpcxjPfX8s18mHzi1YDkIHc2Eka2WvBCAMY6IgznHHfXYUceCrUsEHIe93K1lxoBeHWDg7ZIyGNfMloyk1ayegw4cnAvIrwEzdsM65KE6H4xXjJUsaRBo9mQGBujZTqhMw5q1Kfokp9ZpFhHVKrsLXR+QxKDo5+ZVD6TNXV3Q5iaTp3NRdfgwFojcFw3A8l5xQDhkcu7.P0z.vSrOjEvtVddf3gI.t4VTLdXUoL8pVhddEoWyBzaFTpRAJ80SuSRnDmNATIT4A1G1c2ttoR7JQjchUJPn6CuOFtwERFzIJLzV7t6.oLbOAEoWPQwlc+TT09gPY.qp2Ye06V8Uhws5v3f42Eb6ERc6GY22WwB04HFe+d1cEZPMfhNWQGOUWRkeqh8NRTCgd4wzyfNJbw0VzncylK4hes3ycbvLtHs64Tk6XjG6pjXVtx8mcmZ9PPuibbnTfKZTufN0QqWYkby4zAnY6IFxDvx9J.CK6ykmR4obBiumskHnC.7Fnk2ztoGWpgGH8o7aXgCp3xJXHKBciNwBeMSJZTOPQu3vBrZI2ASwFtjq7zecQmO3TakUXCZfKVlhPmCK5ZDUa3xCvGhaw4IPmNL8oGdVEPZdYmrOF40bpksQijmCpEcpgaNpcjIJYLNAiogw46EBaH4wfuNkBnKtj6pFnqbp47IVqgK0EYhw3s3rgBH3DD5ZcR7trcqtOF7TPf4R4JSvpvEkY6+j.JFLW74SiTtRwKkZ3HQijfkyUNt2DZvfYhYt1TRNGTyD1TeScaF1PDO9TPsDlIvigqUDy9K+5x9t85xOMKpfhRQWASeTHH96J+QxR8ve8pt6R0Tr7iUlLTOL.pYFJXsKbNVKO8UYM6cgnyzxvDcyddPrtuNq5YZNeGtjpYhgmfutIL7A58sKbuPtrXo+IEWjc7om0iSJ7cDltg0h5QE.mLMU0TUrkW60Z0t45sWkjm2Y.Vq0FqsQ6m0ZimV.nUFhWaOu0eZKRhCacj8GbbcqecXoaP8exsdwxq0WxnPWQ.bIB0LYE1VgKu3MR0YQXiJ.kOfxi.mqH4ovoG2yV2ailMWuI4BVfdTtmNYyQ.a3n7di+Neybtt5M35LpNhsijAwbptbOJSi4L.LcqTERSUPQDSOoTw7+oZbcWo3ir6wz9ilMGqLCNZ5I9YfiYs6uu8dCFf0mxI3B1cd6mmd6EO9Gjd72ytO1zHYjqjC+6RV69F54f69f.Tlfm2sL50ebWG8J7NO50Q9Z73wwDDQgxnRabeXL6D7EeTQguJB6xBu+XysYo4MjT0Lg93K5fN4LsoOUGqRRK1ZrLVnKkFT81FAzaNGAbg+yMB3W.O1sr58I+ygGhotiC4vdhyAN17HgiOF6VLfFy0SkVNW9PoPFNRJX9EunOFzJ1vgfpH2moCskVWZX1mr4w.GnESZ+gMO.S1nJLNAyYrv6tGKts6qu2NkttlGfte4Vjt5+uKRerL1L4xgTLIDmSw9kwi6i0F8A7zE3HHlYxrpXpukttoYcZwQQPxh+D+jA5YVakA5ME7ekyXL0WIeme5zll7zuIQB52hj+TcM6CMqc8HISfh1Y2b4lDyXZuy22Dh+Qrf4rso0bXypygMqMG17z4vl1ygMOaNrY8a0FSyksh0xwoO4PA81KcJUqq++4VUI+0yR.8X
I have updated to this commit
RE: How to check that the preset has finished loading?
I'm using a hidden UI control to save the state about which samplemap is selected.And then, restore it in a DAW Session without touching the loadUserPreset() function
my solution doesn't work properly in the compiled plugin:
restoreSamplemapFrom( hiddenLabel.get("text") ); // this text is empty on Init
Maybe I could use a ComboBox with ControlCallback instead of this simple Label.
RE: How to check that the preset has finished loading?
You can also use it for the "loadUserPreset()" function
yea, I think it does the same thing as clicking on a PresetBrowser.