Recorder Demo - trying to compile
So Im trying to compile the recorder Demo, and running into problems.....
I see @Adam_G has also tried the same sort of problems...
So I tried to do a compile of the demo and got Adam's response:
So I tried to compile the script node and got this error:
D:\HISE\hi_dsp_library\snex_basics\snex_ExternalData.h(994,5): error C2664: 'void script_fx1_impl::simple_player<1>::se tExternalData(snex::ExternalData &,int)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const snex::ExternalData' to 'snex::ExternalD ata &' [E:\Audio\Channel Robot\Hise_Dev_work\hise_tutorial-master\RecorderDemo\DspNetworks\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio 2022\RecorderDemo_DynamicLibrary.vcxproj]
So instead I tried just wrapping the snex node in a container(a container.frame2_block) but now the demo runs in play mode all the time no matter what I do....and it still wont compile (either the script node DLL or the app)
So clearly I dont understand SNEX enough or how to get it to compile at all - or how to get the actual demo to compile, has anyone managed this?
Friendly bump - any one get this to compile?
@Lindon just tried to compile to dll and no luck
❌ /Users/ulrikboden/Music/Hise/HISE-develop/hi_dsp_library/node_api/nodes/processors.h:1059:3: static assertion failed due to requirement 'std::is_base_of<scriptnode::data::base, script_fx1_impl::simple_player<1>>() || std::is_base_of<scriptnode::data::base, script_fx1_impl::simple_player<1>>()': T must be base class of data::base
@ulrik thank sfor trying it out.
@Christoph-Hart any chance you could take a look at this when you have the time?
@Lindon @ulrik @Christoph-Hart Any luck with compiling the dll? I am experiencing the same error.
When I remove the SNEX object it compiles, but loading the Hardcoded FX crashes HISE.
@HISEnberg I havn't tried it for a while now, but last time I tried it didn't work I'm afraid
I just wanted to give a friendly bump on this as establishing an audio buffer in Scriptnode would be stellar.
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any videos on this?