very high CPU in scriptnode
Hey there so my plugin has a 35% CPU hit in ableton Live. Simmilar plugins are around 1 to 3% with my CPU. (Ryzen5)
I found that a setup like this has double the CPU hit in a compiled plugin compared to just using the granular2 module as a hardcoded master FX (obv. without the ms to time calculator links - its there to convert 0 - 500ms into 0-18 range with a toggle)
Is scriptnode in general known for its heavy CPU hit? If i just stack my effects in the hardcoded FX without the use of scriptnode i went from 50% down to 10%. Which is till too high but can be due to the module itself. In scriptnode however my setup with multiple dry wet paths and the timesync went up to 50% in the compiled plugin.
Any low CPU best practices when using scriptnode? I have the feeling trying to avoid it for simpler things like dry wet is a good start, but its so easy to change the routing or ranges in scriptnode compared to default HISE.
So i started to rebuild my setup to compare the CPU impact without scriptnode and re compiled HISE using the
modulators. How do i assign the destination of these since i understood that 6 mods is the maximum but i have more than 6 dials? -
Unfortunately, I can't help you, but may I ask what "granular" is? Is this an effect? Or did you create it yourself? I'm still on HISE version 3.5.0 and can't find granular among the effects.Thank you very much
Oli -
@Oli-Ullmann yes thats an RNBO effect from MAX Msp.
@Straticah You can have more than 6
You can profile how much cpu is used by each node but a simple network like this should not have more than 0,5% CPU overhead on a normal setup.
@Christoph-Hart oh this is helpful i found the icon!
ah ok. Thank you very much! :-)