Error During AUi/VSTi Export
Hey Helpful HISE Community,
just wanted to report this error when trying to build on MacOS Sonoma with Xcode 15.0.1. Has anyone else encountered this?
The error is: "Cycle in dependencies detected, but could not be parsed. Please file a bug report with the build transcript and how to reproduce the cycle if possible."
I am totally all good with downgrading, I just wanted to double check to see if anyone has it figured out!
If the solution is to downgrade, what is the latest supported version?
Noah -
@Noahdeetz yea it doesn’t work. @Christoph-Hart mentioned he got it to work but hasn’t told us what he did (maybe he forgot
You can run XCode 14.3.1 from terminal to build your projects. That, I’m afraid, is your only option (unless you want an older version of HISE - I managed to make it work with a commit from around May this year).
Luckily I have an M2 laptop as a second machine which I am now exporting on
@DanH Thanks for the info!
I'm assuming I just use xcodebuild right? Right now I am on macOS Sonoma, does this mean that I will have to revert back?
Noah -