Scriptnode Envelope as Global Mod
@Christoph-Hart said in Scriptnode Envelope as Global Mod:
with the newest update on the mod_matrix branch, you can even use envelopes if you add a uniform voice handler on the root level that ensures that the voices of every sound generator are allocated synchronously.
Would you be willing to provide an example of this, and is the mod_matrix branch up to date?
@DanH check the ModMatrix project in the tutorials repo.
the mod_matrix branch is merged into develop already so you don‘t need to use it explicitely.
@Christoph-Hart will do, thanks :)
@Christoph-Hart Mod Matrix proj is very interesting! I can't figure out how to actually add the UVH to the root container though, can you point me in the right direction please?
Synth.setUseUniformVoiceHandler("Master Chain", true);
Obviously you need to change the ID when you rename the patch, but it doesn't get easier than that :)
@Christoph-Hart Doh! wasn't looking at the script
Thank you!
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@DanH If you always name the presets exactly like your project, you can do this:
Synth.setUseUniformVoiceHandler(Engine.getProjectInfo().ProjectName, true);
But I'm not sure if that is better than just typing in the hardcoded name...
@Christoph-Hart Ok so should this allow me to be able to use a Global Envelope Modulator at Container level? Because I still don't have the option to do so - unless I need to script it?
@DanH Sure you can:
HiseSnippet 1100.3oc6X0saaTDEd1XOkZ21Pq.gDHPZUEWjJkFYCkBBtnNw+jDQchUVmB2UMY833QY2YVlcVCVHdO3RdT3QfGkdM2.mYl0d2sw35XERappuvZmyOy7c9cOy1SJ7owwBIxoR+IQTjyswdS3pQMGQXbz9sPNqi6RhUToqkzNShHwwzAHGmR6pI3ToLx76EOYGR.g6SyHgPOSv7oOkExTYT6036YAAcHCn8Yg4j9QM12WvaJBDI.dJgqghH9mQNkd.QK1ZXjyMZOfoDROEQQiAY1QLXh2HwOysx+LVL6j.pdQcjGrQVxnliXAC5M0ViQvF0KyxKYs7OD2kMfMidlG3tFFtYZj2G3r1hfT8K.jbxAoxVHcOrmujEox3nwysv6yg.xPB3pyCEqrHm+F2T.BvUaERNi1QBKlovFOtVsMcg+dv2UspIRuULUcbL8XNanPFZhW6Q3CBnxMte9H+82zUISnZ8Flv8ULA2UvOPnnGx23AU+0pUp9aUceYVCGNWdZ.JEA5CYdr04ExEo3F7jvSnxMcGSB.LMUPvwULZbikKZ3a8W4DTv2myTGFQSW2QDLP6k0Oe9XGJ0gCOc79sHJhNblRCjKhJULMbbZQGC9WavsBtEM9LkHBpHNWjGx4DCRBHphIh5JtTFf+nPzWGh4wL0j7UjWfryZKL6bYg38v8XJ+QyGiqMGLBdp+OvXZM8cvsGNj5qx.XYbmebUKfW9i+l1i+Sv6FHNgDj4nfbB.ITag7mkx1cFe2YBTeAcZ+qksSazR2o0ozkUarxuF5rd4j69AmKbDeEVgUn++csv78vauWKuiRqrLO61lOlF.sTJlfzUvEQiDble9bhinJI6zSoxBuklEIBHx+SKZakBdsayD43B4Wsn9jImipU37YVVJOkBnLuf6AMPyV+4MLa2LB+orgWRrpPVtF9ATRb148G+di19BH5PWwHvqH0EujIJ2AaMRWSU0ENEo7xkh7JdkyRh00mhUaD4MavdarIs35fe88woIrWKbrqiSqktN3ZW3LDkd6dFhiDIJF+ztDnw8u.cjNHIzCdIsOENcNmF.aN1YM8Dm100zq0d.OJefYw+.+RYVWu1IkY8oLyahqaMwag8fYNLWGvXfejYs6OPFSc2kBSinCPWwSjbnuBN99RBONRDWXi8ngr9Bt1SmQDtCSGI8mNRmwjmdSAQNWVu3Ic.ibt53QTIRSp21ghDtpPpVoktzH+qaJN4dN4eqZDpWi2Pov7SUsX7iSmna5LSyPrAre5z48lxNavuUb3JDZt1HjZ1mXLBsSXLbaP69ZHZttn9ia.i9yol64hbd3htYv29xCBdoMAz65P+lQG5qhyHj3KEO2298Tz0O2zPArat4ysUA2Uu1sNx7MV.8v01pFJD517beesK9gPyq4qyWrB57kqfNOZEz4qVAcd7JnyWuB57MKTGci9sSThPaIGPnWaa2Cm1bcqDSlN5eADN6QmH
@Christoph-Hart ok but this is how that Snippet looks with a Container... Am I missing something?
@DanH Ah now I understand. No the envelopes can never be used on a filter that is on a container level - a container doesn't know what a voice is so you can't use an envelope here.
@Christoph-Hart Ok so there's no way of getting a signal to the container? I would just use the envelope in ScriptNode but it behaves differently to the stock ADHSR envelope so can't even really hack it together....
@Christoph-Hart in the Matrix Mod project, how did you create these global cables out of the Global Modulators?
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@Christoph-Hart Thanks :)