How can I see "visually" the output values of a slider pack or table?
I really need to be able to see what I am doing with modulators in scriptnode.
How can I do this ? I tried using a scope but cannot get the modulators to appear on the scope, or is it possible I am not understanding how to do this ?
I seem to recollect that there were some modulator viewers but I cannot find them. -
@lalalandsynth like a plotter? If so search the forum I think this was figured out
@DanH yep, but cannot find a way to connect a plotter to the scriptnode or the node I need.
A poor man's plotter would be
- modchain - add -> connect Value to your modulation output - peak
@Christoph-Hart That works , thanks !
I see I can send this to external display buffer , how can I make this show up on the interface ? -
@lalalandsynth Pretty similar to what I describe here:
Scriptnode Compressor Gain Reduction
Hello How can we connect the gain reduction of Scriptnode Compressor to a slider on the GUI? Is it possible to link 2 compressors' gain reduction to the same...
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@Christoph-Hart ok, in that snippet I can make it control a knob, is that what you are referring to or can I show the Peak graph via this method ?