The Number Tag doesn't appear on the Knob's canvas
@Fortune can confirm this was working in April, and not in May - bit of a breaking change! Annoying since I just rolled out an update :man_facepalming:
@DanH Do you know which commit it broke with?
@d-healey I didn't try them all so not exactly but 25th May is when it doesn't work for me
@DanH Sorry about this. I am using the 5th June
@Fortune it's not your fault :)
@DanH I just don't like being the doomsayer :)
@Fortune well I'm pretty happy you picked up on it before my customers
@Christoph-Hart is this an easy fix or would you prefer a minimal example?
@Christoph-Hart Hi, do you know if the number tags will be reinstated any time soon? This is preventing me from migrating over to new commits since April. Just tried in recent commit with a MacroModulation source in a simple project and nada, the knob links fine but there's no Number Tag on the knob...
@DanH I looked into it and for some reason it hides the number tag if the knob is not disabled (which it usually is as soon as you attach it to a macro control).
I'm not super decided what the best solution is, but for now I've removed that logic so that it doesn't hide the number tag based on the enable state.
@Christoph-Hart Thank you!