Scriptnode is fun!
I just compiled the newest version of HiSE from the develop branch. However I'm not able to compile to vsti. So I tried creating a new preset and added a sampler with empty samplemap to the master chain and hit export as instrument plugin. After a while, it says
g:\coding\hise\hi_scripting\scripting\hardcoded_modules\arpeggiator.h(47): fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 10
0; stopping compilation (compiling source file ....\JuceLibraryCode\include_hi_scripting_04.cpp)and fails compilation.
@rcjach A bit off topic...
How many copies of the HISE source code do you have?
@d-healey I removed all but the develop branch before building HiSE.
@rcjach There might be a bug in the latest version, try rolling back a few commits.
@christoph-hart said in Scriptnode is fun!:
- I am currently writing unit tests for scriptnode in this repository. This includes also a few test nodes that are compiled and tested against the interpreted node. All the nodes here are supposed to be compileable on macOS and Windows (at least with my setup). If you encounter a DspNetwork that throws a compilation error (or crashes on loading), please post it as issue in this repo, then I will create a test file from it and make sure that it works.
I am running in to some issues compiling some Scriptnode patches. Would someone walk me through how to properly post these in the repo Christoph created?
@crd export the network that doesn't compile as HISE snippet and open an issue here:
Issues · christophhart/scriptnode_testsuite
The testsuite for scriptnode using the SNEX workbench - Issues · christophhart/scriptnode_testsuite
GitHub (
Perhaps also post the compile error message (in a code block) so that I know what demons to fight...
Got it. Thanks
@christoph-hart I updated to the latest commit in develop branch and compilation is successful again.
@christoph-hart doesn't look like Compile DSP networks in latest commit is doing anything. Dll info shows:
{"File": "", "Loaded": false}
@dustbro Yes, that's one of the glitches of the JUCE migration - the OK button of ALL dialog windows stopped working. It's fixed now...
@christoph-hart Thank you for the quick fix!
Thank you ! Great job :)