Managed to compile VST3 on windows!
@ulrik Yep sorry, I could help on macOS because I've just learned last week, but windows, don't know yet...
@ulrik You can use InnoSetup and HISE has a command line tool to generate the InnoSetup script to build the installer.
@ustk No problems, I know how to do it on mac using "Package", I guess I'll find some, not so different from package, for windows as well :)
@d-healey Ah, innoSetup, and where do I find it?
try here:
Installer Scripts: Window : inno
InstallerInnoScript.mp3 Ok so here it is. In classic forum style - it wont let me upload a zip or anything like it so it IS a zip NOT an mp3 file so just dow...
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Can someone enlighten me on how to compile VST3 plugins?
I've downloaded the latest SDK, but getting errors:c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(148): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(24): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(154): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(25): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(155): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(26): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(156): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(27): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\vst3\juce_vst3_wrapper.cpp(55): fatal error C108 3: Cannot open include file: 'pluginterfaces/vst2.x/vstfxstore.h': No such file or directory
@dustbro said in Managed to compile VST3 on windows!:
3: Cannot open include file: 'pluginterfaces/vst2.x/vstfxstore.h': No such file or directory
Do you have this structure in the SDK folder?
@dustbro I never succeeded with the downloaded SDK, but the
works once extracted as @ulrik showed above (you only need theVST3 SDK