Managed to compile VST3 on windows!
After a long struggle I finally managed to build Hise (latest scriptnode version) in windows 10 on my macbook pro using bootcamp, I also managed to compile a VST3 plugin (Holy Moses!!)
Thank you David Healey for the tutorial how to build in windows!!
If there is someone willing to download and test it (the plugin is 33mb but the samples are 1.5GB I will put a download link here (it's an freebass accordion library)
Now to my newbie question:
Which file/files do I send to the user?
Only the .vst or is also the .lib needed?
And of course all samples
I need some advise. -
@ulrik cool! glad for you man ;)
The users need the.vst
(would be better inside an installer to be honest, search the forum, there are a few info for that)The samples to provide should be the
HLAC Monolith files you get via the menuExport > Export samples for installer
@ustk I will search for how to make an installer for windows, thanks for all help, it's much appreciated! :)
@ulrik Yep sorry, I could help on macOS because I've just learned last week, but windows, don't know yet...
@ulrik You can use InnoSetup and HISE has a command line tool to generate the InnoSetup script to build the installer.
@ustk No problems, I know how to do it on mac using "Package", I guess I'll find some, not so different from package, for windows as well :)
@d-healey Ah, innoSetup, and where do I find it?
try here:
Installer Scripts: Window : inno
InstallerInnoScript.mp3 Ok so here it is. In classic forum style - it wont let me upload a zip or anything like it so it IS a zip NOT an mp3 file so just dow...
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Can someone enlighten me on how to compile VST3 plugins?
I've downloaded the latest SDK, but getting errors:c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(148): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(24): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(154): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(25): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(155): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(26): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_vst3headers.h(156): error C2374: 'iid': redefinition; multiple initialization c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\tools\sdk\vst3 sdk\pluginterfaces\base\coreiids.cpp(27): note: see declaration of 'i id' c:\program files\hise-scriptnode\juce\modules\juce_audio_plugin_client\vst3\juce_vst3_wrapper.cpp(55): fatal error C108 3: Cannot open include file: 'pluginterfaces/vst2.x/vstfxstore.h': No such file or directory
@dustbro said in Managed to compile VST3 on windows!:
3: Cannot open include file: 'pluginterfaces/vst2.x/vstfxstore.h': No such file or directory
Do you have this structure in the SDK folder?
@dustbro I never succeeded with the downloaded SDK, but the
works once extracted as @ulrik showed above (you only need theVST3 SDK