The Sample directory does not exist - ignore
OK so I'm getting this message:
The Sample directory does not exist
with a button saying: Ignore
at the end of my sample install process.
So I open my plug-in for the first time,
it asks for my .hr file(s)
it asks for my preferred location to save these to
it does the uncompress and install
it tells me everything went well
then....the above message/button- I press ignore and my instrument works fine on re-load
Have I got something mis-configured?
@Lindon Hi I do have this problem. And still if I close Logic and reopen again this pops out, no sound Isla coming out. Please we’re you able to solve the issue.. please
@nesta99 - you can usually ignore this message - theses days I have it reconfigured to say "Please restart your instrument" - so unload everything and reload it to see if that fixes the problem.
@Lindon Thanks Lindon! I’ll give a try!!
@Lindon What was your method for this?
@DanH - whats my method for what?
@Lindon :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: , sorry! For reconfiguring that message...
"The sample directory does not exist" - how can I change this text?
Ok, to hide the popup, you need to comment out line 130 in FrontentBar.cpp file (PresetHandler::showMessageWindow("Sample Folder changed). The "The sample di...
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@Lindon Thanks!