Stereo FX missing?
@Sonny-Vice Has to be added in a sound generator's fx chain, won't show up in a container's.
@Sonny-Vice thanks alot! so i cant use it as an fx channel for audio input? thanks for the quick reply and marry xmas :)
@d-healey i was thinkinig of doing a simple stereo delay and reverb plugin where you're able to adjust the width of the output. and be able to automate it in the project to get a tighter difference between diffrent parts of songs...
@Sonny-Vice Probably need to use scriptnode for that.
The stereo FX is polyphonic, for monophonic pan modulation the simple gain module is enough.
@Christoph-Hart thanks for the reply, really appreciate it. may i have to ask , how can i get my plugin do spread things and be able to adjust widnes of the output signal or link it.
@Sonny-Vice Simple gain has a stereo width control (although I think it was broken last time I checked).
@Sonny-Vice The simple gain stereo width really just attenuates the amount of the signal in the individual (L/R) channels. If you want the "perception" of stereo width, try creating the Haas effect inside of scriptnode. The most simple version would be to use a delay node on one of the channels of up to 30 milliseconds.
@HISEnberg thank you guys