OpenGL shader is not working in 4.0.0
I tried the Morphball snippet, and it works fine in HISE (Morphball is showing up, and reacts to the sound), but not in the exported plugin (only the keyboard is visible at the bottom). -
Is there anyone who works with shaders in HISE 4.0.0? If yes, at least I would know that I have some problems with my setup.
If someone is working with shaders, is there anything special in making it work besides enabling OpenGL?Thanks in advance!
@Gabor-K I was using it on mac but I stopped. It wasn't working anymore and the performances weren't what I expected. In the end even when enabling the flag it simply didn't worked so I dropped it all...
Actually I noticed that there's an issue with the embedding of the shader code when exporting the plugin.
I'll take a look at it later, but I also second @ustk's experience, in the end OpenGL is too brittle (especially macOS) to work reliably. If it's for a nice-to-have eye candy add on then go for it, but I wouldn't recommend using it as a core feature of your interface (anymore).
Thanks @ustk and @Christoph-Hart !
Yeah it would be definitely just an eye candy. We already designed the GUI of our product to have that in 3.6.2, and comitted to it, so we would stick to that whenever it is possible in version 4.0.0 as well.
@Christoph-Hart Please let me know when you could take a look, your help would be greatly appreciated. :folded_hands:
@Gabor-K sure. I think I broke it when reworking the handling of external files to be included in HiseSnippets a few months ago, so thanks for the heads up. I'll let you know when it's fixed.
Alright, I checked again on my studio mac and the Morph Ball example does work in the compiled plugin, so it's not an issue of the file system. However there are a few pitfalls:
- Since the example snippet is embedding the GLSL file, it will not be written to disk so if you copy over the example as is and then export your project as plugin / standalone app, it will not contain the file content and the shader will appear empty. In order to make it work, you have to explicitely copy over the embedded files (using File -> Copy embedded files to project folder), then load the snippet and export
- You also have to enable OpenGL in the GeneralSettings.xml file (or through something on your interface that enables OpenGL). If I do these two things then it shows up properly (both on Windows and macOS).
Can you make a test project with only that shader of yours that causes the problem and see if it compiles, if not, then send it to me and I'll check. I haven't changed too much on the internals of the shaders so I wouldn't know what might be the issue until I can debug it, but if it worked with 3.6.2 we'll get it working again.
Thanks @Christoph-Hart !
I went through your points and everything seems to be working well now, even the shader we use in our plugin! I'm not 100% sure what made it work, as OpenGL was already enabled in the GeneralSettings.xml file, but everything is running smoothly now.
Thanks again for your time!
@Gabor-K haha that‘s always the least satisfying fix :)
But it goes to show how fragile Open GL is (or has become) on macOS. Which is a shame because you can do really cool stuff with it).
H HISEnberg referenced this topic on
@Christoph-Hart @Gabor-K @d-healey I'm having the same problem mentioned above. My instrument features a few simple shaders. Since I upgraded to the latest version of HISE, they have stopped working when I export the project—they just don't show up. They still work fine inside HISE. I have the OpenGL settings checked and the preprocessor flag enabled, but nothing seems to help. I understand that OpenGL appears to be deprecated on Mac, but I don't understand why things that exported and worked fine with an older version of HISE no longer work in the most recent build. As it stands, shaders are a critical part of this instrument's UI, and I really don't want to abandon all that work.
Is there anything else I can try to help it work as it did in a previous version of HISE?