If scrolled away from the bottom, the console should not automatically move as new stuff gets printed
This way I can read the output as new stuff comes in in case timers are used instead of being forced to always copy/paste it to an external text editor because the console keeps scrolling down.
@aaronventure An autoscroll toggle would be cool for the console.
@dannytaurus that would work, too.
Auto-scroll option would be a nice option. In fact I have the opposite problem, I often need to stay higher in the console while a new entry annoys me by getting all the way down...
So @aaronventure it appears we have opposite behaviour here, is that system dependent? (macOS here) -
@ustk No I think you're complaining about the same behaviour.
An autoscroll toggle is much easier to implement than the automatic detection of whether the console is at the bottom, so let's go with that idea.
@Christoph-Hart Oopsie yep you're right, same behaviour as @aaronventure :smiling_face_with_halo:
I often understand the contrary of the opposite of the wrongness I am not thinking about...