Stereo Effect Project. Example?
Wondering if anyone could explain to me why in the example above
ParametriqEQ.Gain + 1
, is being multiplied by theParametriqEQ.BandOffset
? Confused as to what the bandOffset is doing?edit: Sorry ignore this. Just realised why about three seconds after posting.
edit2: Actually, still not clear as to why it's being multiplied? Sorry if this is JavaScript 101...
@duno I was wondering the same thing, so I decided to do a little test.
By using the Console.print() command, I was able to see that ParametriqEQ.BandOffset is an Integer that is equal to 5. By doing the same with ParametriqEQ.Gain, I saw that was equal to 0.
These are Index numbers that dictate which control you are scripting.
Looking at the Module browser, I can see that each EQ has 6 Index points for each EQ node:
The first 5 appear to be controls, and the BandOffset is just an index used to multiply.
At EQ Node 0, the index is:
0 - Gain
1 - Freq
2 - Q
3 - Enabled
4 - Type
So what happens when you have another EQ node in the effect? The index list starts over at 5.
5 - Gain
6- Freq
7 - Q
8 - Enabled
9 - Type
And then the next node would start at 10.
So what does it all mean?? lets do some math.{ local index = 1 * ParametriqEQ.BandOffset + ParametriqEQ.Gain; ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(index, value); };
In the script above we're creating a local variable called index. This is used to gather an integer that is directly related to a specific index on the EQ.
If we convert them to numbers, the equation looks like this:
1 * BandOffset + Gain
1 * 5 + 0 = 5
5 is now passed to the line of code below:ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(index, value);
Which is the same as if we typed:
ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(5, value);
Looking at the chart above, we can see that Index 5 is the Gain of 2nd EQ node.
@dustbro THANK YOU!
@duno thanks!!!! Working perfectly
@dustbro Where are you getting that parameter list from? My modules only showing whats below.
@Christoph-Hart think theres a bug there, eq is showing the filter parameters, stereo fx is eq etc.
@duno yes. I mentioned to @Christoph-Hart that it's off by one.
Newbie question! How can I do to reproduce some wav within the FX project in order to see how it's sounding? Loop player ? or is there a trick to play a .wav in a proper way
Yes Loop player is the best way - I also
do it like this. -
@christoph-hart :) perfect! freebie is coming.
@christoph-hart Any chance we can get a midi loop player??? ;)
@christoph-hart Wow, figured out cannot use IRs on a FX. Plug. Any way to add it? or I'm missing something
@hisefilo you're missing something. Checkout the example projects.
@d-healey yes tried that as first step but example project (stereo effect project) gives me this
That example is a JUCE project which allows you to create custom DSP dlls that you can load into HISE. Move along, nothing to see here :)
What David was referring to was this repository:
GitHub - christophhart/hise_tutorial: The Tutorial project for HISE
The Tutorial project for HISE. Contribute to christophhart/hise_tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub (
The ConvolutionReverb project should do exactly what you need.
@christoph-hart ohhhh. I see. lOl. Thanks
@hisefilo Does HISE has a loop player? where to find it
@jay Same way you add a sampler
@d-healey thank you
@Christoph-Hart tried for a long time to figure out, but still not working. Also the Convolution project on hise_tutorial with same result. The FX just does not sound! If I bypass it on Cubase/Garabegand etc I can see is it not passing audio through. (I saved the Convolution FX with an IR loaded, and the embed audio files is checked). (just load any IR on that project)
What am I doing wrong??HiseSnippet 1759.3oc0X07baSDEWJIpswP5GC8RGlAzjSNPiSr6WA5zopwwtXnIwINsk1NcZkkVauSj1UQZURMc5LkCLSGNw0xo9W.CW4VNvvMNwAt1+Cn23H71UxVqrcbsAZ.bNDo2t66868ae668VU0mZgBBn9JpSuUaOjh5aqUqMg0pXKSLQoxJJpui1JXBcUps9pl9aGFnuzRJK21yLH.YqnpN404STc5oTD+d0UW1zwjXgRDonbKJ1BcCrKlkH0y3yvNNkMsQagckl84MpXQIEoNzP.TSpsnhmo01lMQqYxm1DZJpGojMlQ8qwLYn.E0oVlZ2tVK5djn4eKb.ttCh+RdkZfhhDWl5XyQLWpRwVXG6pcb9.EPKUSnhIinhSqsJ1F2UdBkbRw.5IqPlOTmXXvKuL7VbzgmpD7lJBdmRqlkO1ikLBGaukVEBC42vD1BjgUzbUl3gGQqHElAgky0baTYe3ktqH6RmewypWXoByc4Yxv+KyBKneOaJwjgoD85gLFkb+LYfcn.l9tl95UMIHm75WQuiRahXEotdTB7R1YiFd14tblLQOlK.wpB7HaSZHCSPYaDRr3JOay4x73L5vul74DE.jM5eA4rn9jFNz8P90cBQf5hlnsu4dagdDXHAFQydV86s3YE+ceXROIscWkFFfJZ53TGhnRLLZW.pQFG2PO50bVNXqsQ1yILTIRS.p4ndHxsQ0CvLT1YawXde7BKDX554fBnD.htK3aOuMbXwkZmqEy0Y1XLDwkxjlODLy7w6TZCf5DG33DWoFMPVBVqy35k1X1n8BLwAvfdGTqSIKaRryyO8wodepSVqN79YAqvoIvml1gZY5niI1nGAlR1x43qU+C0WT+CRKmq30az.XrKmY5Ti.htFCdFBDPYE5rio.GE35AGDzEnyNWzVq.tc2H52ShoLH165WqxZ5Exb.deg+A797GFdegWm2WHs22w8KuYoMtYo0JdmgDAT1GsSHhX09.IhYx73YFJUvUg9qIRXlQmLlAXCNfGRzPWPOzPhdcsnSBw7hdAQBpCHx30yJulvCAmbXEdLRzQg9oCIudMJCsNIqvsx7jL8NRiFCZnXE4f7Gzn7By9CYYYIgt0Q9xDJLOn9T5BfZGbAP45yVQzizDojJDLacHq6AUVTIlSgBjZwfBlJSTd73wkGq4fsQ9JXadswtYZTDXNosiBFJirBJLHEbwQRAmTKcfcOZYeiwPKEFrVdwY9we5f0xxhR3BsLsVzK460Ufe2rxJlLSdeGwLLv5dHeFlugptBZWngtntPlVaETv1Lpmh5Q6FVCOGY1YhMaEWnCNgUOll347JOR1fskeoA1Itau2W6wU2b8OsTwsdP40uwJk17I7xqyGhm+B47HMU1CayZ0coFesQKDtYqjtLeQ.mI5BpSLRQFI.6UsMj.VIizla+61q4d5cLfR+wjhEtNxQwUt43B66Z9H4Xt.FxqF9K5t087m+CWMHrQCLLKMMc6kg0aa6fpRglNfyd8vRtAP5FuHtU8c6iq1lPqeNAOAGTqwmZPhBpZD.49PkMsXht+iE+xqNNDVgdHrpe0vHLi9Ir6NVD1E+OOgc7Q+jehe886LLVCBpFAVSllv+Mno6X7uabUeo1R7qi8ki4owgGb8MeqgLqcie9uNqs99GJr1QGgT4RgAFRz0Ka0GBeu9PXz06luv.Rs9vm0K6ZTyP4fy2KtzUb99nKfIirqjFY8jknOS8zMLfNgn60oeHf2Ng10bbzSDnz+0igKoSsCcLYou4NOiU7.7sP4qHyuFLA1ZaK+4Ldibc9QEtmRqJlY0Zv3chAfWnh8aZ7F+wQlQK51pIfcJsxe9gvWBYBIrb7N8fTLzeWTocD33DZot+bJHsVnaYrCC4y6KUcBvy3oaVTtlrHMsbGYhDRwBd5o+te6pbAmK8m7hXe9DAmTrjKHW2hK3hxMnwEboDk9qBcrTuJ8ijUp5jooyIGs9pGvtYz2do4pl.EwysArRMZnuEB1LIvg0tjS76KxemChZHAYoo9Gvu3AyyeWMdv7cFTNh4TchXfdI2k5DJBj46TmVVh9lncQ90Sscshe6zedw6r+sQrzhfT2.evKUHIphqWnS.5FHRSoTK.qFCqJDuPlr7aFfVFxjzzmFRr2pkOxzVVeU8Q1HGyT13SvEkzwy9EiULc8.ZUdNk61J6Y5uUV6fb6YtaTQoH9UTPRS82At2gR8fcZeVmw3BJQr6L9+uhFNLrgqokO8AVQW7gmo3XBIfeSD6.SqsJ+c8t22gyGPEc7Crr3YulOuhxfWQgwdEmarWw4G6UbgwdEWbrWwkF6UrzPVA+qlesPF0MpVFHnZIw8LUUKQLgnUwgdk+DFsSsS.
hey @hisefilo
first thing: i didnt find a script to automatically load up an IR on that project. would that come in handy?
const var convolution = Synth.getAudioSampleProcessor("Convolution Reverb"); convolution.setFile("{PROJECT_FOLDER}Impulse.wav");
refers to the AudioFiles Folder in your project.Then i think that the effect would profit if you would change the order of Convolution and parametriqEQ. first convo, then EQ. instead of the other way around. but i don't know exactly what you are trying to achieve.
Also: If it is not sounding: what would you expect to hear?
All the best and greetings,