Stereo Effect Project. Example?
@hisefilo thanks dude!
You two guys seem to have a lot of fun here :)
@christoph-hart LOL. Just a favor. Can you tell this guy @hisefilo how to add a knob for changing freq also? The guy sucks at coding
@hisefilo lol, you're crazy brother, you made my day
@hisefilo Hey Filo, snippet below. Just taken from the eq demo..
HiseSnippet 1212.3oc0X0sTabCEVKlsS81ZJIsO.Z3JSaJwdgPRGlNrfwN0sEvDmjo8pf7tZwZXWIytZAbyj9JzdYyc80n2waPeURutWzJs+f05+vtMgYhuBcjNm866SGczQzJfYiCCYA.shOseOLP6i0a2mx6VqKhPAM2SZvM.eF7TJqSHX298PggXGflVgGKWgVwEAw+dy16h7PTa7.S.vyYDa72S7I7AV6Y8cDOuFHG7SI9JqdCql1LZMlGKRflB5U.8P1mhNAe.RtrEzAZePcGBmEzli33Pf1h6xb52tK6BZx5eNIjzwCKGTEzVDnDyMXdNRDKsBp0k34zJi0g.QTZMPCJjnAel99DGx01GnEKGOAbfGp5g1BSCdUUgWkYGdZJvawD3cG811Ajd7AyHw1Go2jxwAtHwVfJrRVKXg6pqWiIVAkulO5Tbi.wfq8n7lUpbOX0JUVcqRFkLDaDgb34n.XKTfP94AjypeD7qgw4FqcBlW20EayKuxf4g0OZkDuITOBECcin1bBiBYzcQTmpx7EIBBXdksY98XTAVtm3q3EgW03kFE8X1HOHg5fuT7oT+xqI8E9EvJvOOucYfOz0MDy2xnXtYDl1gK96NQbb43Xl8o1x3UaYXjoEBtTKCLkW4ZftxpxHjB2ZHOuNhjwxixDQzjT992G93cZd.zzXBr27s.6qdavdyah8l4YeF8a7j5G8r5GT6GmRFPCQgjHL0t+DEhRFurzTkBYHf2PlPoYWLJITCIfmR1v0fdpoDCSsjSBo5BzTNXRYF2rpbCoGwZxsU5wLIGliJGJr9.FGeHsbLsLdkwvy35NtoRCjGNXbyJuJIXJtUlF42AGnJnh0Ipnlujs9jKYqdihch7nrPFsIkvOrGlNoB4fTMUdiSJnDKkGWPeozB5s8HN3..wQVM+5JMfXLmdQokq6RWAl4.XNR.D+Lslk.rrd9D6bQAB.2cNhh43ixwtK8yVfm0bODGIupKUhDxVOb.mH2Qz1CetnGhjK9JpuGN7TNqWrFllWJ5PYlTwKGH.aa0WsKkKHN7tCLbrUWL4jtJsr7MV9LmzuuMoC1C3q15i4U9nKUk2PNtWaxOkQye+0u9O1NLx0kHVktNzYWg+NNd3VrPhLOUELf4fXlCQre8726I1HYcSZa6asdukcliicst3sJ6tpikJ6r9k+erazlPEsBybh7P778GKyHSmPFC0FQkMaREwtu5iFdmzz7rB26n2hvs6Nd7tvXvqnH06Z7l9DjR5IcXO.rKp23G9u9diw+bnJ2z6M9zrxt0hBNGW+rXb7I5454OGjNHxuAwS7lB4coZEDLSluWQ8tq3i2p2hDehH+6HoNqOrgMFXX4XWdf5IWogMUuTQZ3gCGiGMrguZ3fVMCpv+5MfDKYX83+7u+sDKi.1pqqlgDaIGb0JjeipvrsQMl7jmvh3D5I6iDhu7XqPuaKdtrMVjlPoXuXYeAY0njwUjikfnMNdaPW6eD+RmrpbrV5jUyl7V4a3irCXuvNo8AYV2GFaQvaZ7i8KpuubLrZV6BR8PTdh7Baa4IguTbJZ7dXN2dr9b6wFysGOXt8Xy41iGN2d7no3g7+ywNQbleRcQggV0iaSSSqNEIxViOuC9WPhdydp
Wondering if anyone could explain to me why in the example above
ParametriqEQ.Gain + 1
, is being multiplied by theParametriqEQ.BandOffset
? Confused as to what the bandOffset is doing?edit: Sorry ignore this. Just realised why about three seconds after posting.
edit2: Actually, still not clear as to why it's being multiplied? Sorry if this is JavaScript 101...
@duno I was wondering the same thing, so I decided to do a little test.
By using the Console.print() command, I was able to see that ParametriqEQ.BandOffset is an Integer that is equal to 5. By doing the same with ParametriqEQ.Gain, I saw that was equal to 0.
These are Index numbers that dictate which control you are scripting.
Looking at the Module browser, I can see that each EQ has 6 Index points for each EQ node:
The first 5 appear to be controls, and the BandOffset is just an index used to multiply.
At EQ Node 0, the index is:
0 - Gain
1 - Freq
2 - Q
3 - Enabled
4 - Type
So what happens when you have another EQ node in the effect? The index list starts over at 5.
5 - Gain
6- Freq
7 - Q
8 - Enabled
9 - Type
And then the next node would start at 10.
So what does it all mean?? lets do some math.{ local index = 1 * ParametriqEQ.BandOffset + ParametriqEQ.Gain; ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(index, value); };
In the script above we're creating a local variable called index. This is used to gather an integer that is directly related to a specific index on the EQ.
If we convert them to numbers, the equation looks like this:
1 * BandOffset + Gain
1 * 5 + 0 = 5
5 is now passed to the line of code below:ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(index, value);
Which is the same as if we typed:
ParametriqEQ.setAttribute(5, value);
Looking at the chart above, we can see that Index 5 is the Gain of 2nd EQ node.
@dustbro THANK YOU!
@duno thanks!!!! Working perfectly
@dustbro Where are you getting that parameter list from? My modules only showing whats below.
@Christoph-Hart think theres a bug there, eq is showing the filter parameters, stereo fx is eq etc.
@duno yes. I mentioned to @Christoph-Hart that it's off by one.
Newbie question! How can I do to reproduce some wav within the FX project in order to see how it's sounding? Loop player ? or is there a trick to play a .wav in a proper way
Yes Loop player is the best way - I also
do it like this. -
@christoph-hart :) perfect! freebie is coming.
@christoph-hart Any chance we can get a midi loop player??? ;)
@christoph-hart Wow, figured out cannot use IRs on a FX. Plug. Any way to add it? or I'm missing something
@hisefilo you're missing something. Checkout the example projects.
@d-healey yes tried that as first step but example project (stereo effect project) gives me this
That example is a JUCE project which allows you to create custom DSP dlls that you can load into HISE. Move along, nothing to see here :)
What David was referring to was this repository:
GitHub - christophhart/hise_tutorial: The Tutorial project for HISE
The Tutorial project for HISE. Contribute to christophhart/hise_tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub (
The ConvolutionReverb project should do exactly what you need.
@christoph-hart ohhhh. I see. lOl. Thanks