Preset Crashes Standalone MacOS
@Christoph-Hart still getting customers with crashes. Now Ableton joined the list. Any chance to get a patch or something?
@Christoph-Hart Hi sir!! Congrats on 3.5!!!
I found this commit. It fixes the race condition for preset loading?? Just wondering :)
@Christoph-Hart Well, new project, new HISE 3.5.0 and crashed repeatedly on FrontendMacroPanel::getNumRows()
I added this (cardinal sin) and stoped crashing (by now).
on's there any other quick way to do it???
Please tell me you wont kick me out of the forum!!!
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Thread::sleep(1); // Forgive me for this!! auto d = macroChain->getMacroControlData(i); for (int j = 0; j < d->getNumParameters(); j++) { newList.add(d->getParameter(j)); } }
@hisefilo did you make any progress on this? im afraid i now have the same problem.. :(
@Adam_G I've rewritten some of the macro control code to reduce the multithreading issues, but I can't guarantee that it solves your problem). You might want to try out the latest state and see if it helps.
@Christoph-Hart thank you oh wise one
this resolved my issue with the presets causing crashes. part of my script is now broken though - API call with undefined parameter 2. what was changed?
@Adam_G said in Preset Crashes Standalone MacOS:
. what was changed?
@d-healey oh boy
@Adam_G It's been driving me crazy all day :face_with_head-bandage:
@Dan-Korneff it doesnt seem like too much is broken in my project lucky for me but im lost trying to figure out how to make what IS broken not be hah
Is this still an issue?
I got crashes on macOS, but not on preset loading, it just crashes on start.