Mac OS export Questions
Intel macs are definitely supported and I‘ve been using one for years with HISE but since a year or so I‘ve switched all my mac systems to ARM so it might be possible that a few glitches have creeped in.
@Lindon They are not there. they never got generated
Now this error on build for the plugins: xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
Ok, so I deleted Xcode 15 Beta 6 and installed Xcode from the Mac App store. I then exported my Virtual Instrument in HISE as an AUi and VSTi an d it went through a lengthly compile and finished with a Succeeded message but once again... the compiles plugins are nowhere to be found? They are not in my Mac's plugin directory and they are not in my HISE project folder's Binaries directory? Where did they go? Where are they usually generated?
I found them!!!!! I was looking for them under the main computer's Library/Audio/Plugins directory ... they aren't there! They were in my user account's Library/Audio/Plugins directory! Not sure why they didn't show up when I searched for them by their name? So strange, but whatever... I found them!! Yay :)
@ElectroBlue they didn't show up in my search results because that Library directory is hidden for the user account by default in Ventura 13.5
I only found them because I looked inside my HISE project folder inside the Binaries/Builds/MacOSX/build/Release .... there are alias to them in this location.I was looking inside the Binaries/Builds/iOS directory ... my mistake! ugh lol
I have now tested the plugins inside Logic Pro X, Cubase 12, Bitwig Studio 5 and GarageBand....they work perfectly in all these DAWS! This is so cool! :):smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
I spoke too soon! Ugh!! I tried testing the standalone Mac app and the AUi and VSTi on my Intel iMac and nothing worked! I have another older Intel Macbook Pro I can also test on just to be sure that this is an Intel issue and not something specific to my iMac.
@ElectroBlue Did you compile a universal binary or an arm one?
@d-healey Oh good question... how do I find out? I just exported from the HISE menu defaults.
@d-healey thanks! It looks like it's a Universal Binary: joeyadmin@iDance-iMac ~ % file /Volumes/T7\ Shield/Virtual\ Instrument\ Creation/_Replay11/_Virtual\ Instruments/
/Volumes/T7 Shield/Virtual Instrument Creation/_Replay11/_Virtual Instruments/ Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64]
/Volumes/T7 Shield/Virtual Instrument Creation/_Replay11/_Virtual Instruments/ (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/Volumes/T7 Shield/Virtual Instrument Creation/_Replay11/_Virtual Instruments/ (for architecture arm64): Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64Also, if I select the app and choose "Get Info" it says the Kind: Application (Universal)
@ElectroBlue And I just checked both plugins as well... they are both Universal Binaries
See what happens on the other computer
@d-healey ok, I'll test it on the other Intel laptop later today
@ElectroBlue Ok so I just tested the AU plugin and the Standalone Mac app on my really old Intel Macbook Pro and what happened was this:
list item The AUi plugin worked fine without me having to do anything inside of both GarageBand and Logic Pro X
list item The standalone Mac app didn't launch and I got an error message from Apple saying that the app can't be opened. However, after watching a YouTube video on how to fix that in the Terminal and System settings I was able to eventually open the Mac app and then it worked just fine.
I had to open up the Terminal and type this command:
chmod +x [path to file]That actually didn't work at first because I ended up having to "show contents" of the app and then go inside the Mac OS file folder and use that in the path above.
Then I had to go into the Mac System Preferences / Security & Privacy Settings and check off that I allow apps from unknown developers. So I'm a bit confused now... when I go to distribute the app do I need to give instructions to everyone on how to do this? Or did I just compile the app incorrectly? So when you build a standalone Mac app can you just copy it or upload it somewhere to sell it as a digital download or is there some copy protection that is preventing this? I also wonder if I copied the app and then tried to open it on another M1 Mac would I run into the same issue?
@ElectroBlue Also, using the same Terminal command on my Intel iMac didn't fix it, but I noticed that in the System Preference Security and Privacy settings in Ventura ... is different ... there is no option to "Allow applications downloaded from unidentified developers" there are only two options: App Store and App Store and identified developers. So that begs the question: How do you become an "identified developer"? And that's probably why nothing works on my Intel iMac... because there is no place for me to allow applications from "unidentified developers"
@ElectroBlue I also just tested the VST3 plugin on my Intel iMac with Bitwig Studio and it works fine. It didn't show up as a VST3 plugin inside of Live Lite 10 for some reason but I'm not a regular Live user. I mostly use Logic Pro. I was also able to get the AU plugin to work on my Intel iMac now without issue. So the big mystery is with the standalone Mac app and how to get it to launch on any machine. I'm planning on just giving it away for free but I want to make sure it works for users and doesn't require a bunch of hurdles for them to get over before they can get permission to open it.
@ElectroBlue On a positive note, I discovered that the arpeggiator that I added actually syncs with whatever tempo the DAW is set to... well I actually only tested it inside of Live Lite 10 but I was super impressed that it worked! So cool! :)
@ElectroBlue said in Mac OS export Questions:
. So I'm a bit confused now... when I go to distribute the app do I need to give instructions to everyone on how to do this? Or did I just compile the app incorrectly? So when you build a standalone Mac app can you just copy it or upload it somewhere to sell it as a digital download or is there some copy protection that is preventing this? I also wonder if I copied the app and then tried to open it on another M1 Mac would I run into the same issue?
OK so you compiled correctly - but on MacOS there's a number of stages you need to go thru with any binary to make it work on someone else's machine .
- So your plugins need to be codesigned
- Your stand alone app needs to be codesigned and notarized.
You will need to join the Apple developer program(99 dollars/year)
You will need to generate and download and install the correct digital certificates
You will need to set up a password for altool
You will then need to execute the command line processes to codesign and notarise(as appropriate) your product set.You should read this forum topic - yes all 20+ pages of it:
-- welcome to development on the Mac, where we all end up hating Apple...