Faust is here...
Ok, do I need to compile the whole scriptnode into a custom-project c++ class or only the faust node?Thanks
@Sawer The whole scriptnode patch, but you can create a subpatch that only contains the faust node if you want to use a interpreted scriptnode patch in your exported plugin.
Thanks so much.So I'm currently trying to export the full effect as a DLL and here are the issues facing:
The autogenerated Juce file comes without all the paths and flags to activate Faust.
Is there a way to automate this process? -
I solved this issue by setting all the paths and flags to make it work. I opened Xcode to build the file and the DSP file is not in the expected folder:
The file is saved in _PROJECT/DspNetworks/Code library, but the program expects it to be in _PROJECT/DspNetworks/ThirdParty/Src. Is the program supposed to fetch the file from the Code library and transfer it to src? Or, should I do it every time? -
I solved the issue by copying and pasting the file to src. I again saved the .juicer file and opened xcode to see if it compiles, unfortunately, I get a lot of syntax-compiling errors related to the whole scriptnode effect itself (script_fx1.h).
That's how far I've got... Wondering if you have any idea of all of this happening and if @Straticah got the same issues as well.
You've got it wrong somewhere at the beginning, it is supposed to be a fully automated process without having to move files around or add custom flags.
I'll check again here on my Macbook if something broke the export along the way.
@Christoph-Hart Ok I Will also try again on my end to see if the project settings are on point
Nope, works here perfectly.
Have you copied the faust files into the HISE
folder? I changed the build configuration on macOS so that you don't need to fiddle around with compiler flags anymore and this might have broken the export if you're still using a faust path at another location. Here's the instruction list:HISE/tools/faust at develop · christophhart/HISE
The open source framework for sample based instruments - HISE/tools/faust at develop · christophhart/HISE
GitHub (github.com)
@Christoph-Hart You are right:
I only have the fakelib.. -
@Christoph-Hart If I am right I've just copied and pasted the folders from the main Faust folder into tools/faust. Hope this works
@Sawer Have you installed the x64 version of Faust? You must not copy the ARM binaries in there if you're on a M1 machine.
@Christoph-Hart The copying and pasting works perfectly. Now I have the effect working in the Hardcodedmaster FX.
Thank you so much Christoph!
@Sawer Alright. FYI I've also added a new post with the current updated build instructions that will hopefully clear things up.
@Christoph-Hart said in Faust is here...:
- support for MIDI and polyphony (at the moment it's only possible to use Faust for audio effects)
I can't get Faust MIDI instrument to be polyphonic. I'm adding in into a ScriptFX module. Within a Midi chain. How do I enable polyphony?
HiseSnippet 1044.3ocuWrsaZbDcVLiSg5dIRsuyiNRtVPaRZkxCAC1zhZMAk00JuEMd1AyHlclMyNXBIpR8g9P+S5uQ+U5eP+CZOmcV7tXnTaRZAIzdte+bVFZMbQZpwRBpc17DAIXOZ3bsab2wLolz+XRvGSOkk5D1FdTclmvRSEQjffc9VDQPspjrO+4S6vTLMWTfhPN2H4hePFKcEXG196kJUOVj3LYbIteX69bitqQYlB9yNzljDFeB6Rw.FxVEJIX2ShjNiMzwbhTfmNln4giMyzd9OWlJuPIPfVjPPQdzjtikpngKh0TBIn5vhHeGej+YzSkQxqwWjA9zLBMJjnbNHnxlboV2AWJnjKU06R2mFxsxDWAEze9PZeMTPFwfTcYWwyKI32ocM.CZ2gwrIhdV.3ZA1+wMadPC3mG7jQS0bmznaXzCLNwyz6+f5usds5+T8F2jznQqkFZFqQoD10RFqt1MI395owWHrGz3JlZp3ZFgve4b5t2tbJ2G0kXzn6qktmkHxg6YTQXtBed0J.IOsAO8i8Ol4XXQIGGvWhv5jn6Dbr3Jnq1WhpQOVjNwYRf95UpePmiIZph4VtcBmaxI.4ikpgXgRmJcyKOWcydrp+y4ilkxG+KQ6szcuOcnzwGud+sxZ7WHq8es+lOw9QzSFMRvcENaUZuWrwwyp2tVoBW41NpVOeTErO5H6kC1n2KZs1gzekVLPjXEILq3LyPEa99or3Dk34f+dPiKTF9jP4aDqNEk3cgNHG6yGyzZgJcaF1188zBLxyMScR8kmxbV4qIAzASiCgU4bQ2buCvETAmy7vMQXreITnix.9K3SNwVHbPNwVKHVZDcfvMyXmjUNxeFhEet+3zjEnNRoLyFZTySFazRddLIroXmbv8nMOD954pqINQl2iCUJO3Bm+nXyTvt4Qv2wROiIU3DPPkAlHH8P6w3PZb9PlaLN0faif1Rg8P90smK4YEcEX9DUxhSe9rBX+XLTyN7sCR2Gqdq4ODDCGl7peIq+4krdAKu6F7dzQrootkM1dfwrhC8Tta1nzVU.SNDrJoBZrZztJPW8iHmicrn0gFTWqrMAkY7SvNsgLK7VBvUtzErm0kVBMZuEPPmxoRcNiKVb0u8orWuLtjeqcnSjfSf43Z+Gu4WdZ3DwLeNn7ZZzW1kNxJdEYYs7yusMYyllPVwzfBuql9RrJuhVdeXZOtMZZmfrhlIgyvaGmwrWJbY6vKUNHKU8CtQQcOZ+zyQpblZghgQu2YEzwXlDyx1arcW4++XKWLiaMuj6WbiA2GjgA5f0YuJbM3cxA3FsHW4CLJtGifi5ujywyfeALlrdY9xsPluZKj4gagLOZKj4wagLe8VHy2rQYv+gvQSclX+4C.wvSxZtBBNQyf6mYG+I+sILhYM
Faust Code:
import("stdfaust.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",440,50,3000,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",1,0,1,0.01); gate = button("gate"); envelope = gain*gate : si.smoo; process = os.osc(freq),os.osc(freq*2),os.osc(freq*3) :> /(3)*envelope <:_,_;
@hisefilo I guess Scriptnode Synthesiser is the right way! Not a Script FX
I'm polyphonic now! Yeah!!!! -
I compiled yesterday last Hise develop branch with faust release.
I Carefully did what We need to do for installation :[https://resonant-bytes.de/blog/gsoc-final-submission/](link url)
I tried to import the script from christopher but I have an error :
"This expression is not a function"Any idea?
@Sounddiy You will have to run this code on Faust Editor
https://forum.hise.audio/topic/6619/unable-to-open-file-stdfaust-lib/7?_=1669828543774 -
@DabDab oh yes thanks !
@Christoph-Hart How to add Dry/Wet Knob with it ?
@DabDab use a dry/wet template in scriptnode
For Mac users if you are having "Unable to find libncurses.6.dylib" error, and if HISE crashes, please use the FAUST 2.50.6-x64
https://forum.hise.audio/topic/7026/unable-to-find-libncurses-6-dylib-when-launching-hise-faust/22?_=1673534840758Download : FAUST 2.50.6 -x64
https://github.com/grame-cncm/faust/releases/tag/2.50.6If you get
error please choose the FAUST path properly from the preference.Enjoy FAUST & HISE on Mac OSX.