The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
This post is deleted! -
Midi Browser and drag'n'drop midi to DAW...Drum Plugins without these features are completely doomed!Drag to DAW is possible now using the MidiDropper. You can build a browser yourself with Viewports.
Feature Request:
Drag’n drop for the sampler module, same as the audio looper, so that users can drag their samples onto the interface (audio waveform display) into the engine.
I would love to have SideChain inputs available in the bus routing.
Possible bug: Scriptnode Oscillator - Triangular waveform doesn't sound like it should be. It seems to produce a glitch/distortion together with the tri wave.
Bug: Duplicating a sound generator adds a Simple Envelope to the copy.Fixed here
Bug: Search and replace doesn't work
Search and Replace Doesn't Work!
Search and Replace Doesn't Work on the latest commit .....
Forum (
Bug: Undo for ScriptPanels (would allow undo for all controls if this is fixed)
Two setValueWithUndo callbacks for ScriptPanel - Crashes HISE
Just noticed that there are two setValueWithUndo callbacks for ScriptPanels and the second one is the active one. Docs Reference However, because the second ...
Forum (
Bug Report:
Scriptnode's File Player, Won't Save It Last State!!!
Even The Audio File I Selected From The Explorer Wont Show Up, When I Reopen The Compiled Project :/FilePlayer is being rewritten.
Feature Request:
Additional Export formats.
AAX-DSP: Rack: -
Bug Report
Effect_Slot effects dont "listen" to channel assignments and always accept audio from channels 1 & 2Fixed.
Preset Browser - Bank column appears empty after selecting a preset.@Christoph-Hart I just discovered that the Bank Column appears blank because it's trying to display the project folder User Presets content instead of the Expansion Bank.
Here's the settings currently in use:
ShowSaveButton: false, ShowFolderButton: false, ShowExpansionsAsColumn: true, ShowNotes: false, ShowEditButtons: true, ShowFavoriteIcon: true, NumColumns: 2, ColumnWidthRatio: [0.3, 0.3, 0.4]
This configuration shows 3 columns :
| Expansion | Bank | Preset |
Somewhere along the way, Bank gets reassigned with the Project Folder User Preset Bank instead of Expansion Bank.
Also appears the Favorites doesn't work with expansions. If I select the Star for a preset that's part of an expansion, hitting the Favorites Icon show No Results.
Renaming a preset or saving a preset with a name that already exists causes instant crash in any DAW. -
Bug Report
childPanel painting issue.
The child panel is painted more than oncechildPanel painting issue
@Christoph-Hart This drove me crazy for hours until I found this might be a bug... In this example, a childPanel has a child at its right with the same alpha...
Forum (
Feature Request
Add Perlin noise node oscillator
Feature Request
Could we have different stroke styles for using "drawPath" in the paintroutine?
JointStyle (mitered, curved & beveled)
EndCapStyle (butt, square & rounded)Done:
Feature Request:
More Filter Types, or the possibility of creating our ownNofix: Make your own with SNEX.
Feature Request
MIDI out.
Feature Request: Wavetable Synth (working!) :)
Minor Bug
ServerController Tile => Delete button isn't momentaryMinor Improvement
Make the Note tile to save per project instead of global
UPDATE: and make it resizable... -
Missing API in codegen
Function / constant not found: Server.cleanFinishedDownloads
Should be fixed now.