Use Button to Turn Modules on and off at same time
Hi guys, I was hoping to script a button that would Bypass 3 Table Envelopes, whilst at the same time Enabling 3 different Table Envelopes (so you can switch between the two shapes).
I was hoping there would be a .setEnabled function but alas it seems there is only .setBypassed; script below if anyone has any ideas...
inline function onPITCHSHAPEControl(component, value)
local TEdx1 = 0 * TE1.BandOffset + TE1.Bypass;
local TEdx2 = 0 * TE2.BandOffset + TE2.Bypass;
local TEdx3 = 0 * TE3.BandOffset + TE3.Bypass;
local TEdx4 = 0 * TE4.BandOffset + TE4.Enabled;
local TEdx5 = 0 * TE5.BandOffset + TE5.Enabled;
local TEdx6 = 0 * TE6.BandOffset + TE6.Enabled;
setBypassed(false); = setEnabled :p
So close yet so far
Thank you!
Ah so doing that leaves those 3 modules in a permanent state, rather than being switchable with the button...
TE1.setBypassed(value); TE2.setBypassed(value); TE3.setBypassed(value); TE4.setBypassed(1 - value); TE5.setBypassed(1 - value); TE6.setBypassed(1 - value);
@Lindon Perfect, thanks!!