OK so I'm building a sequencer - so I'd like to be able to respond to MMC messages - is that even happening in HISE? Cant see it in the documentation .
If not anyone know the commonly used CC messages / or program change messages at a pinch used for sequencer start/stop/pause etc.??
My Auturia KeyLab 49 seems to send CC 54 for play - but its sending the on (127) followed immediately by the off (zero)
Probably not possible - https://forum.hise.audio/topic/2203/midi-controller-that-sends-sysex-to-instrument
MMC is not SysEx, so it's not impossible to add that.
@Christoph-Hart Ok great _ guess it gets my vote then....but not before all the other sh*** - sorry "important stuff" I've asked for already...
@Lindon And the bug fix :)
A chance Christoph is confined at home. Now instead of working 12 hours a day, he can push to 15 -
@ustk LOL