Useful Snippets
@orange this can be useful, thank you for sharing! :)
Your wrists must be hurt from dragging stuff into the SVG Path converter in Projucer :)
@Christoph-Hart Yeah a little bit painful process :) If you want you can put it in the documentary section as a sample too.
Yeah, sure, will add it later.
Thanks for these @orange Im sure these will come in handy.
great! thanks @orange
Excellent! You should do the entire font-awesome collection next :D
@orange Thank you so much mate! Of course this is so so so useful :)
@orange You're amazing, thank you!
I've started putting paths that I use often into a dedicated file that's part of my usual framework. There's only two icons in there at the mo but as I use more I'll add them.
O orange referenced this topic on