Useful Snippets
Hi everyone
I want to share some snippets that might be useful for you. I plan to share some stuff periodically. If you want to share yours, you can share here too, so all of the useful stuff will be in one place.
This is the first one, there are 57 vectorized icons (Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons) that I converted to the vectors in Hise, you can use them in your plugins ;)
NOTE: Since the snippet has too many characters to write here, I am adding a text file below.
Cheers ;)
1 - Vector Icon Set:
@orange this can be useful, thank you for sharing! :)
Your wrists must be hurt from dragging stuff into the SVG Path converter in Projucer :)
@Christoph-Hart Yeah a little bit painful process :) If you want you can put it in the documentary section as a sample too.
Yeah, sure, will add it later.
Thanks for these @orange Im sure these will come in handy.
great! thanks @orange
Excellent! You should do the entire font-awesome collection next :D
@orange Thank you so much mate! Of course this is so so so useful :)
@orange You're amazing, thank you!
I've started putting paths that I use often into a dedicated file that's part of my usual framework. There's only two icons in there at the mo but as I use more I'll add them.
O orange referenced this topic on