Out of heap space - again .....
Agree that we need that kind of issues to be fixed, but the fact is that @Christoph-Hart doesn't know necessarily what's going on with our troubles, which doesn't help him much I guess...
It would be cool to send the complete project folder to him so he might check our problemsHave you tried to rise the "Compile Timeout" in Preferences/Development?
oh no, now I cant believe whats going on. I just spent the last three hours rebuilding my project for it to fail in the same way again.....it was all loading correctly then I created a sample map with the sample pre-load set = -1 and re-(hand) entered all the loop points and cross fades and now it wont load at all....
@Christoph-Hart can I zip up my project and get you to look?
@Lindon So the sample map loading strikes again!
Yeah, send it over.
@d-healey yes.
So more investigation:
I have two sample maps loading - FastLeslie and SlowLeslie
one entry from the fast Leslie xml looks like this:
<sample Root="53" LoKey="53" HiKey="53" LoVel="0" HiVel="127" RRGroup="1"
FileName="D:\Audio\ChannelRobot\AA HISE Work\VintageOrgan\Samples\fast\Fast_F#5.wav"
Duplicate="0"/>on entry from the slowLeslie looks like this:
<sample Root="54" LoKey="54" HiKey="54" LoVel="0" HiVel="127" RRGroup="1"
FileName="D:\Audio\ChannelRobot\AA HISE Work\VintageOrgan\Samples\slow\F#3.wav"
Duplicate="1" LoopEnabled="1" LoopEnd="240798" LoopStart="74783"
LoopXFade="8800" SampleStart="5218"/>- so the SlowLeslie has loops turned on and some pretty specific loop points and cross-fade.
HISE never finishes loading SlowLeslie......
If I copy the contents of FastLeslie to SlowLeslie, then everything loads fine....
So questions:
whats this doing? ----> Duplicate="1"
@Christoph-Hart sending...
It tells the sampler that this sample is using an existing sample so it shares the same preload buffer.
Try removing it using a text editor and check if it loads (then do the same thing with the "LoopEnabled" property.
I downloaded the project but there are no samples, so there's no way for me to reproduce.
But there are two things I notice from looking at the SampleMap:
- It uses absolute paths
- There's no ID
Not sure how you ended up with this, but it should use the {PROJECT_FOLDER} wildcard and have a valid ID when you save the map.
@Christoph-Hart HISE often saves samplemaps without an ID. Especially when other things are going weird.
In fact I made a thread about it - https://forum.hise.audio/topic/1297/serious-sample-map-bug
I can confirm having the same issue, sometimes, sample maps don't have ID's or even keep a wrong one no matter what you do...
@Christoph-Hart OK I think I found a bug. When you set the preload size to = -1 then HISE will not load the project on start up.