@DanH Yeah. I mean I know how to add one etc. I'm confused about how this one is connected in this particular example

RE: Where is this?
Where is this?
I'm getting a lot out of using the custom sample import but I thought I'd give this one more look since I prefer the overall sound of the file and stretch players
So this is the OneShot snippet from the example browser. If I could switch out this 'Complex Data Editor'?? with a stretch and file player, I'd have everything I need. I just can't for the life of me figure out where this player actually is? How is it attached to the snex_node, how do I swap it out? I can't find it referenced anywhere in the snex_node code and can only view it via this little button, I can't see how it's connected. Can anyone give me a clue? Many many thanks!
RE: Player - I'm going crazy
@clevername27 English, although I'm fairly close. Wales is underrated
RE: Player - I'm going crazy
@clevername27 David is a goat, British or not. I'm British too but further south than David, which makes me objectively a worse person
RE: Player - I'm going crazy
@d-healey said in Player - I'm going crazy:
Oh I need to look into this. Honestly HISE has so much, ever grateful for Christoph, who needs a play button anyway! :D
RE: [Feature Request] Get rgba values from pixels
Krita is open source and C++, the answer might be there somewhere, surely the colour picker logic could be tinkered with. Not that I would know
RE: A pixel drawing program, in HISE, [SNIPPET]
@Allen Eyah I just looked it up, had no idea it was still going, I remember it from a few years back. But how is something so techy and musical only on Mac, it's wild
RE: A pixel drawing program, in HISE, [SNIPPET]
@d-healey oh my god this is insane! There's even a timeline. Did you ever share any of this code @ulrik? I wonder if you ever tried making something like Metasynth (I believe it was called) with this
RE: A pixel drawing program, in HISE, [SNIPPET]
@Lindon whaaa? no I didn't :0 do you have a link? would really like to see it.
RE: A pixel drawing program, in HISE, [SNIPPET]
@Allen Ha that would be great
RE: Player - I'm going crazy
@Chazrox Ah I see! it's a github tutorial, so no video - you need to make a new project and add all these files/folders - https://github.com/christophhart/hise_tutorial/tree/master/CustomSampleImport
RE: Player - I'm going crazy
@rglides SOLVED
in the import custom sample tutorialinline function loadSample(file) { local s = [Sampler1.parseSampleFile(file)]; if (s.length > 0) { s[0]['LoKey'] = 60; s[0]['HiKey'] = 60; } Sampler1.loadSampleMapFromJSON(s);
RE: Control individual sample volumes?
- SamplerKick - Load 1 Kick sample onto note1
- FX
- SimpleGainKick - Add a slider in the UI to control this
Side Sticks
- SamplerSideSticks - Load 1 Side Stick sample onto note 2
- FX
- SimpleGainSideSticks - Add a slider in the UI to control this
Snare 1
- SamplerSnare1 - Load 1 Snare sample onto note 3
- FX
- SimpleGainSnare1 - Add a slider in the UI to control this
etc etc
- And to then have multiple kick samples in SamplerKick, load them all into note 1 as round robins and then have a knob in the UI to switch freely between them in real time - Watch David's key switching tutorial for this part
- SamplerKick - Load 1 Kick sample onto note1
RE: Control individual sample volumes?
@rglides David has a good tutorial on key switching that you can adapt to add a bunch of kick samples, for example, into one note in one sampler/samplemap and allow the user to toggle through them with a slider in the UI
RE: Control individual sample volumes?
@Chazrox Just occupy one drum type with one sample in each sampler. Kick on note 1 in sampler1, Snare on note 2 in sampler2 etc. give each sampler its own gain knob (and any other effect you want) and simply add sliders connected to those effects in the UI.
RE: Viewport scrollbars are hidden if child is larger in 2 dimensions
@VirtualVirgin Holy hell that's a lot of script for some scrollbars though haha. but yeah nice, glad to see it's working out. Wish we had mouseScroll too, outside of slider control