@Lindon I've downloded the 2.1.0 from David's repository
RE: Compilation Error - Exporting VST
Compilation Error - Exporting VST
Hi everyone, first of all i want to clarify i don't really understand almost nothing of coding. Already said that i need help trying to export a basic VST plugin (using the sampler), following the instructions of this video
I already compiled the sourcecode of HISE in Visual Studio, also set the HISE path, and installed the files on the tools/SDK folder (VST and ASIO). I don't installed the IPP because i have AMD (?) and unchecked the IPP options in HISE so I think its cool?
- When i open the .batch file I get " MSBUILD : error MSB1009"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist
Switch: C:\Users\Jeremias\Desktop\final\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2017\final.sln"_
- I tried to compile on VS 2017 and I think it worked? (No errors, and "compilation complete"; but my DAW doesn't recognize the .dll . I think i didn't set Visual Studio to export correct the plugin)
Thanks in advance for anyone who read this :)
RE: MSBUILD error: Project file does not exist.
Hello, kinda late but how did you manage to solve this?
I'm getting the same log on the batch file. I've already compiled HISE and i think i have the correct Hise Path.
Please help :)I didn't understood what you were talking about when you said "HISE-develop branch".
Thanks in advance, sorry my english