Well, if I have understood about your 2), you need to save the samplemap with the preset?
It took me a long time of bad tests to get this working thing:
On Init:
const var NAMEOFSAMPLER = Synth.getSampler("Sampler"); // create a sampler variable
const var cmbSampleMap = Content.addComboBox("CmbSampleMap", x,y); //add a dummy combobox
const var samplemaps = NAMEOFSAMPLER.getSampleMapList(); // create a variable containing automaticaly the samplemaps adresses
cmbSampleMap.set("items", samplemaps.join("\n")); // let this variable assigned as the combobox items
On Control:
case cmbSampleMap: //when you select something in the samplemaps items
NAMEOFSAMPLER.loadSampleMap(cmbSampleMap.getItemText()); //set samplemap adress as the combobox selected item
In other terms, you add your sample maps in the combobox items, when you save the preset the combobox selected value is saved too.
But the samplemap address is definied by the selected combobox value.
So save the item = save samplemap address = save samples with a preset.
If you don't want to allow the user change the samples, then just add the property "visible"=false
to your combobox after having saved the preset :)
And for your 1, the only thing I know is something like this:
var toolbarData = {
"height": 0,
"overlaying": false,
"bgColour": 267386880,
"cpuTempoVoicesShown": false,
"presetShown": false,
"tooltipBarShown": false,
"keyboard": false,
"knobsShown": false,
"knobFilmStrip": "",
"knobNumFilmStrips": 0,
"outputMeterShown": false
This makes the toolabar off, but I don't really know if you can modify the places of the elements :)
But after you can re-add knobs and assign them the same functions as the toolbar, that's possible too and this allows you set them were you want with your own art.