Just do 'File' -> 5th item 'Replace with clipboard content' and here you go :D
RE: placing preset list/output meter. samplemap and compressor?'s
RE: placing preset list/output meter. samplemap and compressor?'s
And if you want a preset navigator, it's not a combobox you have to use :D
A simple delete function?
Hum... Is there no way to delete simply a knob we added?
I have a lot of functions linked to knobs, I want removes knobs to change functions.
This is really labourious to try recognize what belongs to what. It shows me tons of error messages, it gets me really angry.
I guess you have added a function.
Where is it? -
RE: Example of how to control modulator intensity
This works too :)
const var knbPitch = Content.addKnob("pitch", 32, 0); knbPitch.setRange(-12, 12, 1); const var pitchMod = Synth.getModulator("Pitch Wheel Modulator");
case knbPitch: pitchMod.setIntensity(value);
RE: Enter data address in item (combobox)
Ah :) Problem solved! (Thanks D.Healey ^^ )
RE: Some indications to make small popup
Thank you so much Christoph!
Just have to adapt it now! Thank you thank you thank you! :)