@aaronventure Thanks for your thoughts. This is the route I will go, but I still think that the MarkdownPanel is a realy nice approach in this regard.
RE: Do you use the MarkdownPanel for your Help systems
Do you use the MarkdownPanel for your Help systems
Hello to everybody,
I am actually finishing my first sample instrument project in HISE (in quite a short time due to the tremendous help through this forum and the exceptional tutorial videos of d.healey).
I am at the point to implement a help system for the users. The MarkdownPanel seems to be the logical and elegant solution, but the forum posts imply that there are more caveats than benefits to it at the moment. Also, I have not seen the Markdown floating tile in any commercial HISE projects so far.
So, boiling it down, my question is:
Do you recommend the inbuild HISE documentation system at the moment or do you think it is better to rely on PDF / Website documentation? -
Two uncaught exceptions in SampleMaps to Wavetable Converter
Hi everybody,
this is my first post on this forum and I will introduce myself later on.Playing around with the Wavetable synth I came across two uncaught exceptions in the Tools -> Convert SampleMaps to Wavetable window.
I am on Windows 11 and currently using HISE 3.6.2 Build Version 650 (Release).
The first exception occurs after opening the window and clicking on „Cancel“.
HISE crashes to desktop. This does not happen in the debug build.The second one appears while using the converter.
After loading a samplemap, I got the following information:
„ERROR: Sample length is not multiple of cycle size. You probably need to use a resynthesis mode instead.“
To do so, I installed and enabled Loris. The two Analysis Modes „Zero Phase“ and „Static Phase“ yield appropriate results and show the computed waveform. I can then do the export as HWT.
Trying to use the fourth option „Dynamic Phase“ results in HISE crashing to desktop.