Hello guys! I just wanted to let you know that if you happen to have some plugins/VIs of yours that you are particularly proud of, and that has something special to it, I may be able to have a space on pro-tools-expert.com. All free of charge, of course. In case someone is interested, contact me in pvt.
An interesting article might arise if I can test and showcase a few works of yours (I know how talented you are!).
@Christoph-Hart Christoph if this message is inappropriate, just delete it and please accept my apologies in advance.
[Not a question] Possibility of review on Pro-tools-expert.com
RE: Introducing GoranGrooves Handy Drums
Really good work! Congratulations!
My article on HISE for Production Expert
Hello guys, at last my article on HISE has been published on Production/Pro-Tools Expert. Here's the link:
It's a rather general introduction, I hope you like it.
RE: Possible article on HISE
@Christoph-Hart Cool, thanks! I will send the article to Julian for approval and get back to you as soon as it's online.
Possible article on HISE
Hi Christoph, I've started collaborating with Production Expert and I was wondering if you can authorise me to publish an article on HISE. I was thinking of a general introduction, with some links to the forum and GitHub page and possibly to @d-healey latest video introduction to the platform.
Please, let me know if this is viable.
Cheers! -
RE: PluginDoctor to analyze external hardware
@pstudioink Thank you for answering, but my question was about a specific function of PluginDoctor, not about how to develop plugins... never mentioned aliasing at all, you've probably mixed answers with another post by someone else
RE: PluginDoctor to analyze external hardware
@DanH Ok, anything you can suggest me to understand what is wrong in my setup? Thanks! :)
PluginDoctor to analyze external hardware
Hi folks! Has anybody ever tried to use PluginDoctor to analyze external hardware? I've followed the instructions in the user manual, but the only thing I get is clicks and pops. The sample rate is set as my interface, so this is not the problem.
I connected output 7 of my Apollo to the input of an external eq, then the eq output goes back to input 7 in the Apollo. All inputs/outputs are enabled in PluginDoctor...
In case nobody hase ever faced this problem, I'll write to DDMF for support and let you know what they say.
Thanks -
RE: Compile error
@ulrik Yes I have Loopback, but I'll delete it, since I have no real use for it
RE: Compile error
EDIT: Ok, I deleted everything again, re-downloaded the source code, didn't change anything in the projucer and now it works... Well, thanks for your support anyway!
@d-healey @ulrik damn... I checked the settings again, and everything is ok.
Might it be something related to the VST SDK? -
RE: Compile error
@d-healey @ulrik, ok I deleted everything and re-downloaded the develop branch, and it recompiled.
Unfortunately I'm still getting no sound out of HISE...
Here is a snippet with just a waveform generatorHiseSnippet 938.3oc4W0siSaDEd7lcVQVZQkJPkK8EbwhDEEGnzJ0KHraRfnR1DsdA5cngwmrYzZOi03wgFUw6VeD5i.OB7F.mwNYs8VugzzBUE7EQ4723uy+iGqUbHIQoINMOddLPb9Jp+boY5ASYBIYPWhyUnCYIFP6lyZ+4wrjDHf33z3QVFNM2lj871GrOKjI4PAKB4YJAGdhHRXJ3NtyuHBC6yBfiEQkz9dcFvUxCTgpTDOMnsHwL9orSfCYV01hRb1oWfvnz9FlARHNz8UAy8mpdkLW+mIRDuLDrDdDe7fxY2WEFXQr8+ilA5YB3Uk4QNXpHLX7xXQBAO4wEQlF4QlqQGJBDmwuHB8MYBbKrnbLxYqpPtQEH6cQPtFH4TBRamCoqR84ZQroPhEOWlNPhIrILLUTFJ45Rb9C5AJTAo4NQrSg9Zj3LC169sZcaW7ma8ySRkbiPIcUxCUFXjbuas6uuayce8ttmWzjI0Jy9ZzpvPPWqXa1WuJC2SlF8RPea2YrvT3LEQ2uZLcm0Klxy85RJpjCjBynXXAcQQgWMY.xhvF9umNnKyvrIkE7P8hAsQXgiSWXFV0mmhZR6BImZTwXc+eI+gUNpfzPloZ4jsuZg.LdTIGZSTxDgYd49tyWis8EGOZUaaQsd6ZB2qRGKL7o0i2spAuXT6iMdWzw90zdSl.bSAX2l1+WWY64+5P454P4xzmylAYiVy.x0ynmnzQtOBjf1FS8Vwv0+bcGtFu1CWGwMHDNVyjIwpDvq7IeNYsKKqKXRkUUOmUEsrtWez8Jo2k5rjY6xLGyjUNLjtxIMT7aEju4A8jLLg3Cn2DLJgiNqM1UtcXbZXB7bQfYpWYCKX2tL6GyzAXdgWo.swp1ybgCXp12VR+Ovxlc9Xsr4S5ff+4ysZrdv8Crar4RL5KhhCgdxYPHNbNCieKNMdBKMzrja0dtgJoJdpRJpTMbDXzhSNApTjUqC8PiAuwRAmq04HHDXIk5CuYmmHj.SiwIXCiE+8umPs4qaPygqqcPg6mG6aZ7E+9lU2ghyR++Sl96n3781tYoa2+6y2GoRMB4ICY3z.biD8vzHebYJGPDKkPncOgyV1qIlS2xRagiOHCxHdG9rPnmk1YgPukB+j7NhXbs5E77qXaGXboLNneKy9Nql3G7gztdjrqci1QacmVjHbsyK3baM82iwm5so8FXyc2.at2FXyOrA1b+MvlebCr4mVoM1M9OL0nhxq+QFi6k88GNN42FJqUf7dfnuhz.
I can see both midi and audio activity in the generator and its meters, but nothing happens in the Master Chain.
The interface is set correctly (UAD Apollo, 48KHz, Buffersize 512); I really can't understand... -
RE: Compile error
@d-healey I cleaned and rebuilt, but I'm still getting those errors... I think I'll try deleting everything and proceed with a clean install, I see no other solutions at the moment. I'll let you know if it goes well. Thanks for your support!
RE: Compile error
@d-healey Still getting errors in SnexFloatingTiles.h
The strange thing is that I didn't do anything either in the source code (I'm not able to..!) or in the Projucer settings... -
RE: Compile error
EDIT: nevermind, I found the command. Trying to rebuild now.
@d-healey mmm nope, inside xcode? how can I do it?
RE: Compile error
@d-healey only the one I downloaded with GitHub, I deleted all the previous versions some time ago
RE: Compile error
@d-healey Actually it was the develop branch, my bad...
So, this morning I opened HISE and I got no sound... Even in a blank project with only a waveform generator, I can see activity on the keyboard and on the generator meters, but no activity on the global meters and no sound at all.
I've just tried to recompile HISE and now I'm getting these "semantic" errors:virtual void workbenchChanged(snex::ui::WorkbenchData::Ptr newWorkbench) = 0;
template struct SnexWorkbenchPanel : public FloatingTileContent,
public Component,
public snex::ui::WorkbenchData::Listener,
public snex::ui::WorkbenchManager::WorkbenchChangeListener
using Ptr = snex::ui::WorkbenchData::Ptr;SnexWorkbenchPanel(FloatingTile* parent): FloatingTileContent(parent) { auto wb = static_cast<snex::ui::WorkbenchManager*>(getMainController()->getWorkbenchManager()); static_assert(std::is_base_of<snex::ui::WorkbenchComponent, C>(), "not a workbench component"); wb->addListener(this); setWorkbench(wb->getCurrentWorkbench()); } ~SnexWorkbenchPanel() { auto wb = static_cast<snex::ui::WorkbenchManager*>(getMainController()->getWorkbenchManager()); wb->removeListener(this); } void workbenchChanged(snex::ui::WorkbenchData::Ptr newWorkbench) override { auto wb = static_cast<snex::ui::WorkbenchManager*>(getMainController()->getWorkbenchManager()); if (newWorkbench == wb->getRootWorkbench() || newWorkbench == nullptr) setWorkbench(newWorkbench); } void recompiled(Ptr p) override { } bool showTitleInPresentationMode() const override { return forceShowTitle; } int getFixedHeight() const override { if (content != nullptr) return content->getFixedHeight(); return 0; } void setWorkbench(Ptr wb) { content = nullptr; if (wb != nullptr) { content = new C(wb.get()); auto asComponent = static_cast<Component*>(content.get()); asComponent->setLookAndFeel(&getMainController()->getGlobalLookAndFeel()); addAndMakeVisible(asComponent); } resized(); }
I didn't change anything in the projucer file... any clues on what happened?
Thank you for your patience! :)