Network won't Compile (Parameter Amount Problem?)
@Casmat said in Network won't Compile (Parameter Amount Problem?):
Dont put the FX all in the same ScriptNode object - separate them out into independent FX, and use simple gains to manage wet dry...
HiseSnippet 1284.3oc6Y0raaaDDdoj1TK0zj3fbnWJ.OzCN.tAR1NNEnGhrrrMDZjMgjyO8TvZxURKL0tDKW5V0hduON8QHOR4MncVRJweLsphhigsq0AAMyrC42NyryL6HKovl56KjHipGOwihLtOt+DtZztiHLNpSajwCvcI9JpzLhUqIdDeepCxvn7AZFFUqfB+7wW1h3R31zDVHzaDLa5qXiYpDtVM+Ylq69DG5wrwoV8VM6XK36JbEA.dJiqi7H1mRFROjnWVILx3d64vTBYeEQQ8QFUZIblzej3W4Qq+MLe1ItTMQCTe3AEwdegqiFwZtncGwbcrltu8QHCrUhUnbjU3I3tLG1L9IViGEJvLQiz1CiRYgW4LvqQZ3UOE7J.RFofTkHHsJtusj4oRjnwyWi6vAmy.BX1SCkn0hL9.dWAr.t5YiImR2WBDyTXssqWecS3qm9SCB31JlfaJ3GJTzi3q8zZ+Qsp09yZl4EMXPgxzuFov0kJKTr1SKmmhqwCFeBUtt4YD2.5rEBa+r1T7EaSS6xsi10oVnf2gyTG4Q4WTf.J1TA+50cZSTDsiHlGrNOpTwzPvnM8LHpNxsTE2l5epR3Aw0mymAQKBm.WhJaHj9bSr.vFjwuocNbelZR5yU4iqprXwUyOreQg6pXKlxdTw3sTA3ErZeowa7ozuAu2fATaUBXqf2+cy8HYkEK7IAJ0+uxXrxr7lrwdtzClBkZ31xIlGL+blHTapKIiw6sLG0nDF+RyBxp1geFDLZIbIx7l9xKbJnFyOETkEN9PukLuwDO+XbnI+lDfCCIt4.3GgsHWGBH5IBTL9vtDkj8avq6vfw8gVKro.T4bpqtZhgFCwz00zZ.0mxcBI9G3SrvFZZiXgMxIbiozZgajS3loENin.iYs3J7PJrHy3aoJyHVl6+tFEVe+uvI0R8jTOhjdrvBhuWymnSG0CLnqadhqv9z9remd9BvdQvnkdEqYGaXVl5z3KoDOKmaap8sP21TgE51JE6SKzsUNVXha6RuGgbd8UwlYb6abma++Ct8bG127Nu9sKu9E0k3CC86VBe0csJdWqh20p3MoVEuxRCkxX9cQFyGi6qjTxX.y8CS8KiuyYLUiKi4z4svyoyRRcEDGcQmjk8glsBfqmKyx8uaF9p1YrHfm4cEi7dTOJQAQDozYkl85cfTD3kWqO9xvYSbrjXeJXJRK3HNEhJTo2i6JE99CfsS3yxOsHq.4PssJgSOJj2zOKOHpHc7f91.u1mpiDY1yBcls5v2R8iIgQikvQzMxQuQN5MyQuUN5mmid6bzuHgNxf1k3oiLzCOM2jz9pEKeO7.fynT2TqrEa3rGdDmzGulYlCgRpoyVPki68kZzqWwYw9bmn2kyjhqNEiQMYrGT52E5RYVsrAj.W0TtYSQzUvEdiDblc1CAPP8vgTYZrW3FZGkBNClv4IM6QcoD+Tmh+9luhwoDY1y1eR1hFexSMuP+02hifqoNul4siIwV9VzjXu7McOHtvnI71kpq4946iCSkapq7dMogHbgMDU5yZ1YnoW.UexM92gWxxnLkqKcD9GL3B0gcSGR6CMUngDTQ6pdBen401lw4ZaaLwVJduczUo06xUB4.6Od3enYUbWMsYCT30qA8v0eVczXnJ26ss0Gg9Av2TrNarD5r4RnyVKgNOeIzY6kPmWrD57iyUGcCF6DnDiiRuBLr1KJjzXuYgjkQ+qRP3Y5
@Lindon how would I route the sampler for 4 channels? I'll also have a couple more fx in the plugin, so we would need to use fx slots to move things around. Wouldn't I need to move this whole part of the chain as one? The xfader would also need to be done in scripting, right?
@Casmat said in Network won't Compile (Parameter Amount Problem?):
@Lindon how would I route the sampler for 4 channels? I'll also have a couple more fx in the plugin, so we would need to use fx slots to move things around. Wouldn't I need to move this whole part of the chain as one? The xfader would also need to be done in scripting, right?
I suggest you take a look at Dave videos - if there is one about signal routing using the routing Matrix.
@Lindon said in Network won't Compile (Parameter Amount Problem?):
if there is one about signal routing using the routing Matrix.
Maybe in the mixer video but I don't think I did a dedicated video on the topic.
Christoph gave some info about it here -
@d-healey @Lindon hmm, so I get what you’re saying, putting all the wet/dry controls in the main hise fx chain, but how practical would this be? I’m planning on having 6 fx total (and possibly more): delay, saturation, chorus, convolution, eq, phaser. The saturation and delay have both a separate instance of chorus and convolution in their wet signals. This is what I currently have in scriptnode that’s causing problems. I do have bypasses on them so wouldn’t that mean there is no added performance impact? Were also planning on allowing the user to change the order of the fx chain. This means fx slots, right? This would mean that I’d need to group the dry gain, saturation, chorus, convo, wet gain as one group (this is just for the overall saturation fx in the plugin). And manage that as a group within the fx slots, along with managing the delay group (which would be like the saturation group: dry gain, delay, chorus, convo, wet gain)? And create an xfader rms equation in HiseScript to manage the mix of the wet/dry signals?
Now this is my first hise plugin so I’m still learning how everything is meant to work, so bear with me, but wouldn’t it be more efficient just to do all the fx routing within scriptnode instead of the hise chain? The problem seems to be more than 18 parameters, but didn’t Christoph mention that there really isn’t a set limit anymore?
@Casmat said in Network won't Compile (Parameter Amount Problem?):
The problem seems to be more than 18 parameters, but didn’t Christoph mention that there really isn’t a set limit anymore?
-- so this is a good indicator you dont have the design correctly planned out yet....
and yes of course you can have everything in scriptnode, perhaps start out with a xfade in each script node that acts as a wet/dry for that effect alone...
here’s the initial design. Each scriptnode network including delay/saturation would include everything they need to fully function within each of them, hence there are separate chorus/convo instances in the delay/sat.I guess ignore the second question in my post, looking back at it, it's not really feasible to go down that route from what you've told me!
@Casmat On the parameter limit. I was having this issue as well, I spent an entire day removing things one by one from a large network until I finally gave up and went in the source code. I believe @Christoph-Hart had made some fixes that raised the parameter limit dynamically, but the issue kept showing up for me in different ways. But mainly crashes when closing HISE and closing my compiled plug in. Long story short, go to the file linked below and change the max value to a number that fits your needs. I went with 32. Let us know if this helps.
@CyberGen Oooh! Will try!
@CyberGen Worked flawlessly!! Thanks!
@Christoph-Hart Is it possible for you to increase the amount on your end for future builds, or is there a significant performance impact for doing so?