Harcoded Master FX 16 Parameter Limit.
I wanted to move this to the bug report area so that it doesn't get forgotten.
I've referenced the original topic below. But to briefly summarize the issue:
When compiling a script fx to a DLL Harcoded master FX containing more than 16 parameter knobs, parameters 1-16 work fine, But parameters 17+ do not. They snap back to zero.
That is it in a nutshell.
Re: ScriptNode knobs snapping back to 0 for no apparent reason.
@RastaChess Ah! finally found something:
Quoting @Christoph-Hart
"If you can't modularize for some reason you can raise the hardcoded limit here:
Simple, change the limit value and recompile HISE. -
@RastaChess That's some old info, there was in fact an issue with parameter counts > 16, but I've just fixed that.
L Lindon referenced this topic on