Expansions - distributing samples
Hi all, I'm looking into expansion functionality and I have a question regarding sample map monoliths - if I distribute an expansion as an HXI file, are the sample maps embedded inside the HXI, so the user doesn't need to locate the samples when they install an expansion?
@paper_lung yes the samples maps are bundled into the hxi. You will need to write the link file so your plug-in knows where the samples are located, however.
@DanH ah thanks. Do you know if theres any info on the link file I can read up on anywhere?
@paper_lung If you use HISE's in built sample installer it will take care of it for you.
@d-healey thanks David, is there any info on the built-in installer anywhere? Can’t seem to locate anything but maybe I’m looking in the wrong places!
@paper_lung https://docs.hise.audio/scripting/scripting-api/expansionhandler/index.html#installexpansionfrompackage
I also made a video about expansions. It's a little out of date but is still mostly relevant.
@d-healey thanks, yeah I’ve been following this and it’s been really helpful. Just stuck with distributing the samples, but I’ll have a look at that link, thanks!