RSA.xml ServerKey
What are these server keys 1 & 2? It seems they haven't been around at first apparition of the RSA file...
Is it meant for Hise Activate? Or can it be used for our own purpose? -
@ustk I think they are just another format for the RSA key and I remember adding those for HISE activate because the RSA library we're using internally required another formatting.
@Christoph-Hart Oh yes I see... They are just the DEC representation:
BigInteger b1, b2; b1.parseString(numbers[0], 16); b2.parseString(numbers[1], 16); auto n1 = b1.toString(10); auto n2 = b2.toString(10); xml->addChildElement(new XmlElement("ServerKey1")); xml->addChildElement(new XmlElement("ServerKey2"));