Dll build errors
@Lindon Built succesfully :) Can't remember if you're PC or Mac but in case Mac what did you do about this (if you got it)?
@DanH goto macOS security settings and manually allow the execution.
Update: Attempted another build, and this came out..
@Sawer leave these flags alone and change the scheme to Faust in Xcode like it's mentioned in the build instructions.
@Christoph-Hart thanks for replying
by following the build instructions i get this:What am I doing wrong this time?
@Sawer Looks like it only builds for arm64, however I'm still on Intel
@Sawer you need to set it to build for intel then.
Build succeded, yet faust is not enabled...Maybe by stating all the step, you can find something wrong I did:
- Cloned Hise
- Switched to develop branch
- Downloaded Faust 2.60 (Intel version) and placed the folders inside Hise/tools/faust
- Unzipped SDK folder and placed folders outside
- Openend project's projucer, went to the Xcode exporter section and set architecture to Intel
- I saved and opened project on Xcode
- I changed scheme from Debug to Release with faust
- I built for profiling
- Waited for completion .
Is there something I've done wrong when following these steps?
@Sawer said in Dll build errors:
- Downloaded Faust 2.60 (Intel version) and placed the folders inside Hise/tools/faust
Install Faust in its default location...then set the path to it in the preferences section of your project....
@Lindon Hi, thanks for replying .
What do you mean by "default location" ?
maybe that’s where the issue stands.I've been able to set the absolute path in 'Header Search Paths' and 'Extra Library Search Paths'
@Sawer open the faust installer and let it install Faust where it wants to...
@Lindon ok interesting . When downloaded the new version of faust, there's no 'installer' if i understand what you mean.
Just folders.. -
@Sawer sorry yes MacOS - so mines in HISE/tools/faust like your so thats not the problem...
you've set the faust path in the settings for your project yes?
@Lindon Yeah, I have.
The weird fact is that everything related to faust compiles
Then i get this warning(no idea)
And then it builds successfully , but faust is not enabled yet.
@Sawer well that's a warning so you can ignore those... what do you mean by "faust is not enabled"?
Meaning that there is no "Faust Enabled" in the top right corner. -
@Sawer how many instances of HISE have you on your system?
@Lindon :D , None ahah. But let me re-check again cause I never know.