HiseScript Questions
dammit David's just too fast
Wow! Can’t believe y’all reply so fast! I’ll look into more detail on everything and I’ll post if I have questions! Definitely going to work on some test projects to get a hang, and then I’ll start building the instrument in multiple sections! Thanks all and if anyone has more info, it can’t hurt to add it!
@Casmat Welcome to the forum.
In addition to what the others said, I would suggest to not worry too much about the player plugin at the moment (it's just a distribution format) and start building your libraries on after another.
Also David forget to mention his great scripting video:
which contains basically every concept needed for starting out scripting so at this point I wouldn't recommend a vanilla Javascript detour anymore.
@Casmat keep searching the forum for threads on issues that you encounter. There’s so many examples of code and, even better, snippets that will help you see what’s going on. And if you still can’t find the answer or an example post a new thread on here. As you can see already the users on the Hise forum are unbelievably helpful.
Hello everyone !
I just wanted to find a clean way to deal with multiple buttons and sliders.
HiseSnippet 1313.3ocuX0saaaCElJIpMVscnAXXWKTfA3NjkXaIs1hfg3FmjAitjZT2Fr6BnknsIhDofDUZ7FJ1dl1SvdD1iPeD1av1gT9GZGY4jzt5KBBOG9Q88cHEOmi5jv8Ioo7DjQk2NJlfLdnY2QLwvVCwTFp8gHisLeW6yawCHsBIXVVbczAihwooj.jgw5+jbZFU1.A+NK8u2+.bHl4SlXRYlS8I+LMhJlYsSyWQCCOFGPdKMRa1tMa6yYs3g7LfRqaVCEi8u.OfbJVNs0LQF26n.pfmzUfEjTjwFGvCF0cH+8r74eFMk1KjHGTG0EVnbyGyCCjLVZE0ZHMLnyDomhfUoyr.w54Ahu17DZ.cp8YAjGqbXOCgd7vXs4o25yQu55zqlF8JfRFZTZibJskYW+DZrXlGIedfYalfjzGCgccpjOWzZ+48LawgYvD6DgufbbBLXJhpd0psssasZOcOKKHzmJruDmX+JFuWc6ezdBvADQKdTLmACp9Dk2m.HlGPiRAz35.bJEfy0A3VJ.2qCvqT.dR.VV6tqbPpcD9J.XXFQBmhgsIqDx.6KjjOgzmjPfS1mImvdSc3rLGtKyg2hNjDnCrqQYCrwggpIkNlHB9TtjZaQYgTFwteFyWP4LaNSEXkBLgGV0eh51NG8Ss9MqJEvdHlnvIiHJCUe5dUr9vdVkt4sSpzp5I0BnYO38xpyS.UvrXN5rRN5THGcz4njhVkddY4bzY0bzckbzsPN5dK3naYbzc0bzakbzqPN5cK3nWYbzSmi6t6IvkhpCr1941Ckmhor.RLA9CSjlebda6DRZLAjB3lf8GZmfYCHKQk0KUk4mcSmnGE.M4Y+cE8Fq8t102QdIWk7iUqBtSYvcWIb2xf6sR3dECuxJ14pW1NWc8ct7eZg8S4BxqYUUAXqOXYunq98Kz230LjjTnaYx8jx.VkkE0ijnu8JmHjwa9znlKOMpdVd+7Pi1D4r1Lp30vowkk6GMNdBobMGyJXpBUB2uZbB2tgz.RBhB4UuuoJXhTDVuLGzMFbiOEvNeJfc+T.6U.3209Pr.KqVYbTDhrwjDAUtoYbH4Rnzu7ZWpXdHI8BAOFpfa5wVnby7G5ilTYClQBUOyMMU+eczU5OvQ5CdOMPLbpgl+dygD5fgZUYNpYuASpk7gltMd1yq+hZ0ddMDUPhlywKbdlqimqliFK3QPtRnWWZOdBDd5R+04BH4VeCNflktPTdpjevJOaoIYZSMIeXy4k7eb1hRFrjBG9U2ZzgGmEKWzW1ieIQI.4SUck8jM8Hntdjw2XdJOIBGBhInCIwGnITxMJMqee5UR49snHZPPHrjoT4KvynzG2+1HsF5R6sZRqIYAogZescy1qPZOz7PZJbmghfegElilv.s74UXaZ9FxkjjdeoEkqtnh+LKp6C2GDhG8kVSdZZ5iYe10TGpveHPUM9g9KnuBsgMWlPjsEesV9flM4AYgXw7cfJa6drC4Zn21mr0NFr1Z2a7O6uXaoabyZKs7tluozcq7vRw7csB3KjO4+a9NtI+GYdT+9PYoyH6FlG+Kk1Q+F2rRQVAUdCOSVK7IXQh7.t4oYQcgbK9DfILHumrlGi0jINxGWSNVFY5B0UqF7uvuwNqKGaL1Y8INQQX+D94iKLW9IE1TYA3DS80Tp.4Bfw1SKlwzr1N0junQO22WFJ9df6Eiowc.iyc.i6c.i2c.yObGv7r6.lmWJF4GV5kYBdT9qIfgNGoJvxv3Hl7i.nNQh9Ov7ZGRM
In this attached snippet, I have a set of knobs that are controlled by a main knob. The code works, however I was wondering if there's a less "boilerplate " way to achieve the same result with a cleaner and less code.
@Casmat love your sound design videos! Everybody should go check those out. I started playing around with HISE about three weeks ago and @d-healey s videos and this forum have been really helpful. I had zero programming experience before I started with HISE and still managed to build a sampler instrument with Reverb, Delay, Saturation and started using scriptnode. I'm still far from having a plugin that I feel comfortable distributing but I'm slowly getting there. My screentime has gone up a lot in these three weeks but I'm here for it.
@guhla Sound design videos? You talking about David?
@Casmat you linked the nestacoustics website, so I thought that was you
@guhla Wowwwwww!!! Can't believe you caught that haha!