Script FX - code documentation....
So @orange kindly pointed me at a sound generating approach for FX plug ins - using a Script FX and applying this code:
const var lib = Libraries.load("core"); const var sine = lib.createModule("sine"); sine.setParameter(sine.Frequency, 440.0); sine.setParameter(sine.Amplitude, 1.0); sine.setParameter(sine.GlideTime, 0.2);
to create the basic sine wave I was looking for, but now of course I'd like to use another audio type(noise) and I cant see anything in the documentation that points me at the above code never mind changing it...any one can point me in the right direction?
@Lindon Use scriptnode, this is ancient and will be removed at some point in the future.
@Christoph-Hart - hmm, sure but this is in a shipped product - and I dont want to rebuild it all....
@Lindon If you don't want to use scriptnode, (and if this core script is still supported on Hise) for the noise tone generation you can use:
const var noise = lib.createModule("noise"); noise.setParameter(noise.Gain, value);
@orange thanks mate.