Mac Export - arm64 unidentified symbols
@lindon Awesome, thanks again, all the help is appreciated!
@d-healey Thanks! Your help and knowledge is always appreciated!
Trying to export An AU plugin but I'm having the same issue as @trillbilly
I tried to change the architecture to 64bit and uncheck the "Support 32 bit" option in Hise settings, but no result. Any idea please? -
@nesta99 You have to go back into the "Autogenerated Projucer" file and uncheck ARM in the Xcode Architectures. Then save and run in IDE to finish compile.
@trillbilly @d-healey Thanks , sorted out. Now I’m dealing with Codesign / Notarization issue. My plugin can’t be visible on Logic . I have the developer account but still not working. Any thing I’m missing out?
@nesta99 I won't be back to the studio until Monday but I just had a post on it that a few people chimed in on. It's a bitch at first but once you get one done, it's easy.
Once I'm back to the studio I can post the directions again.
@trillbilly Thanks so much man!