LFO Sync Speeds - make slower
@Natan thanks. It doesn’t make sense to put 128 below 1/1. Why don’t you put it at the end after 1/64t? And I would change the calculation to 0.125 * 0.25 and see if that works.
Did you make sure you changed the knob value to reflect the new amount of values / tempos? -
@DanH Dan,
I tried that and placed it at the very end of list,
It has no effect, or maybe my calculations are wrong.Thank you mate
looking gorward to your Try
@Natan did you try my calculation? Did the slower speeds work? I’m not sure I have time to try it today
@DanH Like This?
tempoNames.add("1/128"); tempoFactors[HundredTwentyEighth] = 0.125f * 0.25f;
@DanH @Christoph-Hart @ustk
Nope, no glory here,
I Guess Hise can Go over 1/64
I guess there is A limitation wall on speeding up the Tempo2/1 as you Described works perfectly,
and Please pay attention to 1/64 and 1/128
Both sound the same :/ -
@DanH Dan, Mate have you seen The Video :up_arrow:
@Natan try this, it's not so well commented but I guess you understand what happens, if not ask
HiseSnippet 1254.3oc4XstaaaCEVxNJnxcCXcnEa+j+XCvAMKPx0MqXsEIMwNsAsNwHNqs+qfQh1lKRjZTTYyXsui6QXOB6MX6PR4HoL2DGsKEaKAAv7bgmuygmaNCE7.RZJWXY6d7rDhk8G4LZFSNc2oXJyZ+dV12z4HhTPmLgHr1YVBNMkDZYa27oJArcWwR+yut0N3HLKfTPxx5kbZ.4EzXprf5vseNMJZObH4XZbIo6t89Ab1t7HdF.llNdVI3fSwSHGfUh0vwxd09gTIWLRhkjTK6U1gGNazT9OvLx+RZJ8jHh5fu0H3hLj2iGEpPr5yV6NkFENbtSmZYY6LrHDzzDBtsy.ZH8b5EghOQy.UnQ43gciKCd90Dd1kf2JF3cKmQABZhrfi4YZeljHFigmfxvxHqUiGshytbPBlbiX7oj8Dvgy0n8lddqitum2ZOrUKAYB5jjXziQ8YSnLxFSHxmwSk6jD2F3qXGvyXRP.OPb3UKUhNCKPR3AUTnVff.QB0qr3vS9NRfDzdbFKPR4LDmc.WRNj0dsV+TKWk1LFn5.vgf2bkIU7OHK9DhPYU2Vty4Qmv3BR+y.WosTjQLboiQsUWwiQa5gd6aQ4eta4OuVKWvXtZbtAMUCsixXLJaR60PaU3Vnuw3LajJwBoVt12SEbbemxV47HFN6hihNAxUaO24ZmaGEjzESfsdNYVOHU.BzqAb0r0d8XA46AK1ABjtFMLf3Ky4.fQIuQAWyskDgmohNvksN3sJXcNObXnNvNdbaeEy0Q9dd4h.XW+26CZcVHz5VOn04pfVmqCz5tPn8fGZT4ZCttWE359d.m1H28tpDASZG766ZgtXZMbK575BeQkPmEOTPT0kfakBIbOB4WIiLUxSL4ZZ6VpHy0MulBR0TFHUaAc5XUqqJwE7nH0cn.vEXme6KfSthsY5Jt0g54HnxZtfPumpM2Vc4ZtEX53TRPNaeFUdXBI+bQ6O+Ez9yJukE7ouc+dXIV0QLmFHWBQHoJ3X2ibFLpwzez0oGI8THVBCa9CMOgV37vrHrrZec0vrbFP7nRCTUSRVJUNq7vtqQyduE1regd6RB2a4LjJCltX71XA3EhZ+ci27QmerS+wigV8EfcEm8dccmSVOnbGCTtoyqvmQzUeZfbG84wbQL5oDFQnho9WxFM+7xtQSxRuQygAR.BGKvrzDdJwu7MeAdcJyqGQlwpJtgTEoTt2df6URtar8bhcJSbHlU4xfyUtoAzer33urUeFFdPFQ.uI7vz.vYUwtxkCCyhRIuhFJm5WVwBxcJS9YXQH7tDTIAsYs1dpZcaI4WvpTq9AXSu+5K9+y2qp4xA2qXYT24XbDMNIhzmcFIBZHqw3mBcfGiyhjyoVsNa.mwSlxYzJY.EeKiRXegNzSjRXcqBJ2d6iHQDbZoZuuX6W.iKwBHNQpYrve4iEW160m6XfKR0b.8eiYLM+e+LlKuBE5e9umW5OyA5o2AoetQe3euOhmIguO1.LzM.lB4.aMOBFfFP.DyXjHvPN1MTqFZN6oNqfyHBKTe32fexY5qNamyzeNy+QrQLNPveSfYsZUCiano.9MS+Ozv0Yf5Lx2RupMnmi2FdVwvXm2DDnxo+JH9rXc5TCctWMzoaMz490PmMqgNecMz4AWpNpI9OISxiM4+.gg80emCaayFP5RAqeGP9zvi
Sorry, wrong thread... 🤭
@Natan are you trying to do this in develop or master? I see the code is in different locations in each
@DanH I tried with Both :|
Can't go 1/128 -
On Master, The structure is the Same, and the Code is located on UtilityClasses.h
And on Develop are located on places that you mentioned.My wild guess is that Hise Calculation can't go 1/128
and Christoph Has no Comment Yet :( -
@Natan works for me
@DanH Really? No Way
Can You Send me The Cpp and .H Files?
And Let me know What Cranch You Use? -
@DanH Youre on master?
@DanH I had to set the project tempo to 60bpm to really hear the change in the arpeggiator, but the lfo was more clear at 120bpm
@Natan I did it for master, I don't see why it wouldn't work for dev too
@DanH So It works on Master?, Right? You hear the 1/128?
Building right now
@Natan Yes
@DanH :) <3 Excellent
Very Nice, it was There all the time, and The reason i Couldnt hear the effect Was the Tempo, I Divided the tempo toEngine.setHostBpm(Engine.getHostBpm() / 2);
and yeah i can clearly hear the effect,
BUt Once i go Like 140 bmp It wont make that Lazery Sound, Will investigate and See what's going on, But for now it works Very nice :)