UI Zoom factor...
Is there a programatic way to call the UI Zoom factor?
If not can we have one?
@Lindon I would also like it to avoid putting a control panel just for the zoom
+1 this would be nice!
I had a quick look at the source and I don't think it would be too difficult to implement (but I'm far from an expert). I don't have time at the moment to look into this further but I will when I can - unless someone gets there first.
@d-healey I hope you will be luckier, I've tried for two days, seemed easy at first but it had no effect... I suck at C++
Maybe this is of some use - https://forum.hise.audio/topic/2044/getzoomlevel-to-change-gui-size-oninit
I also recall that @Lunacy-Audio added dynamic scaling, but I can't find the thread now...
@d-healey I wish I were talented enough to claim those additions
Those changes were actually made by @LightandSound and here's the thread: https://forum.hise.audio/topic/2756/some-additions-please-enjoy -
Yep, I checked that too, but apparently, some people experienced issues with the dynamic scaling...
There was also this thread 16 days ago, it doesn't add anything important though...
https://forum.hise.audio/topic/3476/is-there-a-way-to-change-the-scalefactorlist-value-via-code -
@Lunacy-Audio I knew the username began with an L!
@d-healey So close!
@Lindon +1, yes!