Opening project on Windows
I'm tired of this system already ...
I trying to open my project from Mac on Windows and now i see that i don't have any synths on Main Workspace page. I can't even add anything.

Looks like the project's XML got corrupted in the transfer...
@Christoph-Hart but on mac i can open it without problems. I opening the same project. I tried also open other project and have the same issue.
Check whether you have hardcoded any absolute paths.
Load the XML into Sublime and search for
... -
@Christoph-Hart No results
@arminh Are you sure the Windows version is the same version as the Mac one?
@DanH yes i just build it now
@arminh can you open any other projects in the Windows one? A simple Hise tutorial for example?
@DanH i'll check in a moment because now i just copy assets and code to fresh project on windows
I'm having a similar problem to this now. I'm opening an old project and none of the modules are showing up. The project XML is good, I also tried loading a .hip from the project and got the same result. This is on GNU/Linux, I haven't moved the project to a different OS.
Seems this is happening with all of my old projects, using a build from 15th December.
I ran a debug build and the ouput stops here:
... audio driver successfully initialised JUCE Assertion failure in juce_AudioProcessor.cpp:1251 JUCE Assertion failure in juce_AudioProcessor.cpp:358 JUCE Assertion failure in juce_AudioProcessor.cpp:362 JUCE Assertion failure in juce_AudioProcessor.cpp:365 Preparing playback {PROJECT_FOLDER}preset-bg.png wasn't found. {PROJECT_FOLDER}preset-bg.png wasn't found. Initialising audio callback Preparing playback
Never gets past
Preparing playback
. I'm wondering if it's something to do with my audio config, going to play around with it. -
Yep it was an audio setup thing, for some reason my sound card preferences were messed up and no audio output was set. Might be good to output a warning message when this happens.