Collaborative project!
@hisefilo Ok, I know literally nothing about GIT , how can I make sure I am working on the latest version , also , how to deliver properly ?
I probably need to understand this git thing to be usable in this context :) -
@lalalandsynth Ok, let's start at the beginning...
I strongly recommend to use GitHub Desktop, it's less complete but enough, compared to command lines in the terminal. The less I put my hands on the terminal, the happier I am :)
Once you have it, you just have to clone the repository and that's all:
When you have modified the project, just push a new commit
name your commit properly and push each time you made a working mod
If you work on two different things, it is advised to push once for each. In short, never wait for 10 mods before pushing...
If, on our sides, we've made new commits, you'll need to fetch them so you always work on an updated version. -
@ustk ok, so what I am working on now is a clone of the project right?
What if you make changes to the original and I need to incorporate that commit into what I am working on , or do I consider the latest commit as a final version for me to work on ?And do I save as archive and then do a commit ?
Any comments or things I should be aware of before I make the GUI?
- Will it be standalone as well
- Keyboard ?
- Resizable ?
- Size of interface ?
I just pushed a new commit with a refined Leslie (doppler and stereo)
Tell me guys if it sounds better -
@ustk So if you push a new commit , how can I make sure I am working on that ?
And what happens if I am already working on the gui and up pops a new commit ? -
So if you push a new commit , how can I make sure I am working on that ?
Git pull to get the latest version before you start work.
what happens if I am already working on the gui and up pops a new commit ?
Before you start work make a new branch. Once you've finished your work you can merge it into the working branch and fix any conflicts.
Having a weird problem , load a 9 frame png for the drawbars and it loads and works fine , until I compile , then it goes back to default , not seen this before ?
@lalalandsynth said in Collaborative project!:
Will it be standalone as well
Keyboard ?
Resizable ?
Size of interface ?- Yes (IMO)
- No (IMO)
- Scalable I guess (50%, 75%, 100%, 150%200%)?
- 1100x700 ?? <<< meaning we need 2200x1400 renders/knbs,etc for 200% non-pixel view
EDIT: Size will be 1024x768 (2048x1536 render size)
@lalalandsynth have you placed the png strip on /Images ??
@hisefilo Yes, I must be doing something wrong since it works in a fresh project .
@lalalandsynth mmmm, never happened to me. #of frames are 9 on png?? or 10?
@hisefilo 9 and works perfectly in a fresh project .
@ustk HI mate! can't see the difference ..... are you working on the .xml or the .hip???? just pulled minutes ago
I have ignored Autosave_** at my end.... maybe it's there?? -
@hisefilo Hammond-B3-w-leslie , just pulled , png strip is in images.
After compiling, it disappears , then I switch to default image , compile and then the strip is gone from the image list, maybe that is some kind of clue ? -
@lalalandsynth LOL was asking @ustk for autosaves :)
Regarding strip. can you send me the file? the png?
@hisefilo said in Collaborative project!:
Size of interface ?
If you make it 1024x768 (or 2048x1536 in retina resolution), it might be exported as iPad app too, which might be intriguing for this kind of project without high a sample count.
deleted filmstrip
@Christoph-Hart I love you!
@lalalandsynth change the style (on Component Specific Properties) to knob and will work (now it's vertical)