C++ Node! What's That Mean?!!
Hello Everyone
Just Playing With A Script That Supplied By @Christoph-Hart And He Mentioned That " If You Export It As C++ Node, It Will Bb As Fast As Native C== Code!"Well, Sound Good And Seems To Be A Good Idea To Export To C++! But How?
@d-healey Seems A Like Complex ,And Also The Screenshots Are Missing
@Natanr Screenshots should be there if you open the version built in to HISE.
@d-healey David, I Did'nt Get You?!! Where?!!
Open HISE, press
@d-healey Thank You David :)
No Glory
Pictures Are Missing :( It Says Empty -
Can Anyone Make A Little Tutorial For How To Export Nodes As C++ In Windows?
And How To Setup Projucer?Thanks
@Natanr You just have to follow step by step what is described in the link @d-healey provided you with
In short:
Set your custom path in the preferences
Compile Hise with the good flag
create your graph
right-click the container to export as custom cpp
save your project
recompile hise
re-open your project or another one to use your custom node -
@ustk Sir
Could You Please Take Some Screenshots -
I Changed The Path To My Custom Nodes LOL Folder
In Projucer Changed Some Settings, But Build Failed