Blurry Panel?!
Function not found..bah.. probably something is missing on my hise master folder.
@nesta99 You Need A Newer Version Of Hise, That's Why You See That Error
So this is not the latest?
Except for gaussian blur, I'll have a look if I can get 5minโฆ -
@ustk Omd! Only On mac! Ahahah wow...
@nesta99 Why are you saying this?
I've checked for the GaussianBlur, it seems it is only Windows compatible probably due to IPP restriction or so...
@ustk Becuse I've said that today I was going to do the entire UI on Hise Just to learn the language more and because everything is vectorized, but yeah... Back to photoshop..
@ustk Strange tho.. because I've installed the ipp
Boxblur Works On Mac, Use That instead
Gaussian Blur Doesn't, And This Reported In Other Thread -
Yep only Gaussian blur is the issue, everything else work...
@Natan Just out of curiousity.
What is the difference between boxblur and gaussianBlur?The effect seems the same with the snippets you provided that's all.
@nesta99 Yeah, the boxblur is working but not the gaussian...
Yes I think there was an issue with the gaussian blur IPP routine on macOS which is why I deactivated it. Box Blur doesn't look as smooth, but it's way faster anyway.
Ok great! Thanks @Christoph-Hart -
I could use some help with Paint Routines involving Panel Blur and GUI scaling. I've created an image at 2X scale, so GUI zoom level at 200% looks good.
My original paint routine looked like this, and scaled properly:Panel1.loadImage("{PROJECT_FOLDER}Panel1.png", "Panel_1"); Panel1.setPaintRoutine(function(fp) { fp.drawImage("Panel_1", [0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()], 0, 0); });
I wanted to blur this panel when another is opened, so I did this:
var BlurLevel = 0; Panel1.loadImage("{PROJECT_FOLDER}Panel1.png", "Panel_1"); Panel1.setPaintRoutine(function(fp) { fp.beginLayer(true); fp.drawImage("Panel_1", [0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()], 0, 0); fp.boxBlur(BlurLevel); fp.endLayer(); });
And this is what I'm doing when this new panel opens/closes:
const var PanelOpen = Content.getComponent("Panel_Open"); inline function onPanelOpenControl(component, value) { BlurLevel = value *5; //Set Blur Level Panel1.repaint(); //blur panel in background }; Content.getComponent("PanelOpen").setControlCallback(onPanelOpenControl);
In this configuration, Blur works just fine, but the png doesn't redraw when GUI scaling is changed and the result is not crisp.
What would you guys do? -
And.... of course it starts working directly after I post for help.
False alarm -
@Natan The snippet works now. The fault was mine, sorry. My version of Hise was the master (the one made 2 years ago). Now I got why I didn't had all the features you guys have! Thanks
After implementing this paint routine, my panels are no longer redrawing when using GUI zoom. Am I missing something stupid?
Panel1.setPaintRoutine(function(fp) { fp.beginLayer(true); fp.drawImage("Panel_1", [0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()], 0, 0); fp.boxBlur(BlurLevel); fp.endLayer(); });