Can you add synth modules via script?
I know you can add modulators and effects, but what about adding a new sampler to a container that can then be populated with sample maps etc?
@d-healey That's unfortunately what I'd come to the conclusion of based on the documentation, was hoping I'd missed something. Oh well!
@LightandSound If you're C++ literate you can do it.
@d-healey Yeah I've used JUCE a bunch so I've already been dabbling in adding stuff where needed, but having the work done for you is always nice :)
Adding Sound Generators is a more heavyweight task (also it will trigger a recompilation of every script), which is why it's not available as runtime function.
But David is right, in C++ it's as easy as
raw::Builder b(parentModule->getMainController()); auto s = b.create<ModulatorSampler>(parentModule); s->setAttribute(ModulatorSampler::Purged, true); // or whatever...
@Christoph-Hart Oh you make C++ HISE seem so easy and tempting. I know that we've talked about a reasonable limit for the number of samplers in a project as being < 16, but what about in a multi-timbral plugin where each individual instrument might be using 4 samplers?