Set Sampler Voice Amount (mono mode)
IS there a way to set a named sampler to mono? if not could there be?
Something like this might work
const var Sampler1 = Synth.getChildSynth("Sampler1"); Sampler1.setAttribute(Sampler1.VoiceLimit, 1);
Put it in a synthesizer group and use the force mono button?
I played with Voice Settings "Amount" and "Soft Limit" but it behaves strangely...
Why not a simple MIDI Legato with retrigger? -
@ustk Oh… indeed, this behaved both strangely in my testing, too. I tried to switch between 1 and 4 on both VoiceAmount and VoiceLimit but it seems to just increase the Gain of my samples but not the number of voices either way. Is there nothing we can do about it?
@Frankbeat Drop this script into the sampler and it should become a one voice sampler.
reg eventId = -99; reg lastNote;function onNoteOn() { if (eventId != -99) return Message.ignoreEvent(true); eventId = Message.getEventId(); lastNote = Message.getNoteNumber(); } function onNoteOff() { if (Message.getNoteNumber() == lastNote) eventId = -99; } function onController() { } function onTimer() { } function onControl(number, value) { }
@d-healey Perfect. Thank you very much!