LFO Modulator, start at the beginning?
@Christoph-Hart Yeazzz! Everybody start voting!! :)
That was quick. There you go:
But I like how there are exactly 4 upvotes, because people be like "Nah, it will be done already so I don't have to click too".
@Christoph-Hart Haha, yes indeed, lightning fast! Thank you! :)
@Christoph-Hart Ok I've compiled the new master and found the phase parameter is 8, however nothing seems to happen when turning the knob at the module, and when I am connecting a knob via the property editor nothing happens on the LFO modules phase knob when turning the connected knob, strange!
The phase controls where the LFO starts when it's reset (which was requested a few times already). What are you trying to achieve?
@Christoph-Hart When ever I activate the LFO I want it to start at highest level
Lol that was exactly how it worked ;)
@Christoph-Hart that is strange, I just can't get the LFO Modulator to start at the same point in the phase every time, I also looked at the plot window and I can see that that it is different every time, I use the "LFOModulator1.setBypassed()" function to start and stop the Modulator, am I using the wrong command?
I'm pretty sure your don't need to start or stop the LFO manually. It will restart for each voice, so when you press a key that note will restart the LFO. This doesn't show up in the wave plot because that just shows the constant LFO changes, but if you look at the intensity slider of the LFO you'll see it reset each time a key is pressed.
@d-healey , the way I have it setup is:
the LFO simulate an accordion "Bellow shake" so,
playing the sampler - no LFO,
if certain key pressed - start LFO
which means that I am able to start the modulation at anytime while playing the accordion sampler.
So my question is, how do I make the LFO start from the beginning of the phase every time I press the "certain" key (Key switch) -
@ulrik I don't think the LFO works like that. Christoph will have to give you the details.
@d-healey Ok, thanks!
@Christoph-Hart I have moved the LFO Modulator from the root container to the actual sampler and now it's working fine, as you said Cristoph, it always starts at the highest level :)
My bad....