horizontal level meter
I'm looking at the Music Box example tutorial. thereis a nice vertical Level meter. But I couldn't do a horizontal level meter with modifying that code.Anyone can help with that, how can I make a horizontal level meter?
The dumbest solution would be putting this at the beginning of the paint routine (didn't test, it but might work)
g.rotate(Math.PI / 2.0, [0, 0]);
@Christoph-Hart This code is from music box example. I put g.rotate at the begining of the paint routine. but it doesn't work.
namespace VuMeter { inline function createVuMeter(name, x, y) { local widget = Content.addPanel(name, x, y); Content.setPropertiesFromJSON(name, { "width": 16, "height": 40, "itemColour": 0xFFffe467, "itemColour2": 4279505940, "bgColour": 4279505940, "textColour": 4283782485, "saveInPreset": false, "opaque": 1 }); widget.setPaintRoutine(function(g) { g.rotate(Math.PI / 2.0, [0, 0]); g.fillAll(this.get("bgColour")); g.setColour(this.get("itemColour")); var lsize = parseInt(this.data.lvalue * (this.getHeight()-4)); var rsize = parseInt(this.data.rvalue * (this.getHeight()-4)); g.fillRect([2, this.getHeight() - lsize - 2, (this.getWidth()-4)/2-1, lsize]); g.fillRect([2 + this.getWidth() / 2 - 1, this.getHeight() - rsize - 2, (this.getWidth()-4)/2-1, rsize]); g.setColour(this.get("itemColour2")); for(i = 1; i < this.getHeight()-1; i = i + 3) { g.fillRect([1, i, this.getWidth()-2, 1]); } }); widget.setTimerCallback(function() { var lvalue; var rvalue; if(this.data.fx) { lvalue = getNormalizedPeakValue(this.data.fx.getCurrentLevel(0)); rvalue = getNormalizedPeakValue(this.data.fx.getCurrentLevel(1)); } else { lvalue = getNormalizedPeakValue(Engine.getMasterPeakLevel(0)); rvalue = getNormalizedPeakValue(Engine.getMasterPeakLevel(1)); } this.data.lvalue = Math.max(lvalue, this.data.lvalue - 0.04); this.data.rvalue = Math.max(rvalue, this.data.rvalue - 0.04); this.repaintImmediately(); }); widget.startTimer(30); return widget; }; inline function setModule(vuMeter, module) { vuMeter.data.fx = module; } inline function getNormalizedPeakValue(gain) { return 0.01 * (100.0 + Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor(gain)); } }
Try this
g.rotate(Math.PI / 2.0, [this.getWidth()/2, this.getHeight()/2]);
@d-healey Thanks!