Hise - where to include big libraries? (#include)
If I'm wanting to integrate a larger c++ header library into hise, where would I want to put the include?
Should I simply keep everything in the src folder in the third-party DSP networks directory and include in my c++ nodes like normal? Or is there a way you'd suggest is better. -
@griffinboy yup put them in src
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Thanks. I have been having particular trouble with integrating xsimd to be honest, it doesn't seem to like being imported in this fashion, there are always files that fail to locate certain headers somewhere up the chain.
I need it for the complex type filters I am optimizing.
Is xSimd already accessible from third party nodes? I know that it's included in Hise develop but I cannot locate it within Hise projects themselves so maybe it's not intended to be used? I know that you don't use it yourself, I'm guessing it's just left over in Hise develop from Jatin's neural stuff and is maybe unused?
I'll figure it out. Seems like I still need to add paths somewhere for this kind of lib. Maybe xsimd should be on my external c++ hise feature requests wishlist haha...
some of my effects would really really benefit from cross-platform simd (useful for filterbanks, fast math approximations, simd for complex numbers, etc) from what i've read it makes a significant difference for more complex dsp, stuff that uses high cpu by nature, for example I'm trying to optimize a BBD chorus at the moment which uses 6% cpu when oversampled by 2x. Even with fast math approximations it's slow because of the 8 filter stages that all need to use complex math.